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Top 100 Museen

Maurice Estève



Maurice Estève war ein autodidaktischer französischer Maler und Designer. Er war Mitglied der Association des Écrivains et Artistes Révolutionnaires. Seit Mitte des Jahrhunderts gilt er als bedeutender Vertreter der „Nouvelle École de Paris“ und wurde 1970 mit dem „Grand Prix National des Arts“ geehrt.

University of Durham


Vereinigtes Königreich

Die University of Durham ist eine Universität in England. Sie wurde im Jahre 1832 durch Gesetz gegründet und erhielt die Royal Charter im Jahre 1837. Sie ist damit nach den Universitäten in Oxford und Cambridge die drittälteste Universität Englands und unterhält Einrichtungen in Durham am Fluss Wear und in Stockton-on-Tees. Die Universität ist eine der führenden Forschungs- und Lehreinrichtungen des Vereinigten Königreiches und wurde von der Sunday Times zur britischen „Universität des Jahres 2005“ ernannt. Sie genießt national und international ein sehr hohes Ansehen. Von der Sunday Times wurde sie als Teil der „English Ivy League“ von Eliteuniversitäten gesehen. National rangiert Durham auf den Plätzen 3–7 und ist gemäß The Times Good University Guide eine „führende Alternative zu den Universitäten Oxford und Cambridge“. Die Universität ist seit 2012 Mitglied der Russell-Gruppe. Am 4. April 2005 wurde der Autor Bill Bryson als Nachfolger von Peter Ustinov zum Chancellor der Universität berufen. Er übte dieses Amt bis Ende 2011 aus. Sein Nachfolger ist der britische Opernbariton Sir Thomas Allen.

Alte Nationalgalerie



Die Alte Nationalgalerie im Berliner Ortsteil Mitte gehört zum Bauensemble der Museumsinsel und damit zum Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO. Im Auftrag König Friedrich Wilhelms IV. ab 1862 von Friedrich August Stüler geplant, wurde sie bis 1876 von Johann Heinrich Strack im Stil des Klassizismus und der Neorenaissance ausgeführt. Aktuell beheimatet sie Gemälde und Skulpturen des 19. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung der Nationalgalerie. Auf der Freitreppe befindet sich das von Alexander Calandrelli geschaffene Reiterstandbild Friedrich Wilhelms IV. Im Jahr 2019 verzeichnete die Alte Nationalgalerie 376.000 Besucher.

Walters Art Museum


Vereinigte Staaten

Das Walters Art Museum ist ein Kunstmuseum in Baltimore im US-Bundesstaat Maryland.




Die Basilika Sankt Peter im Vatikan in Rom, im deutschsprachigen Raum wegen ihrer Größe und Bedeutung gemeinhin meist Petersdom genannt , ist die Memorialkirche des Apostels Simon Petrus. Sie ist auf dem Territorium des unabhängigen Staates der Vatikanstadt gelegen und eine der sieben Pilgerkirchen von Rom. Mit einer überbauten Fläche von 20.139 m² und einem Fassungsvermögen von 20.000 Menschen ist der Petersdom die größte der päpstlichen Basiliken und eine der größten und bedeutendsten Kirchen der Welt.Der Vorgängerbau der heutigen Petersbasilika, Alt-St. Peter, wurde um das Jahr 324 von Konstantin dem Großen über dem vermuteten Grab des hl. Petrus errichtet. Mit dem heutigen Bau wurde im Jahr 1506 begonnen, 1626 war er weitestgehend vollendet.Ab der Mitte des 5. Jahrhunderts war die Peterskirche auch die Patriarchalbasilika des Lateinischen Patriarchen von Konstantinopel. Nach der Auflösung des Patriarchats im Jahr 1964 wurde dieser Titel weitergeführt; 2006, als Papst Benedikt XVI. den Titel des Patriarchen des Abendlandes niederlegte, wurde er durch den einer Papstbasilika ersetzt.Seit dem Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts residieren die Päpste in direkter Nähe zum Petersdom. Er ist jedoch weder die Kathedrale des Bistums Rom noch der offiziell ranghöchste römisch-katholische Kirchenbau – beides ist seit alters her die Lateranbasilika.

Smith College Museum of Art

Northampton (Massachusetts)

Vereinigte Staaten

The Smith College Museum of Art , connected with the well-known Smith College, is a prominent art museum in Northampton, Massachusetts. It is considered to be one of the most impressive college museums in the country. The museum is best known for its compilation of American and European art of the 19th and 20th centuries, including works by Edgar Degas, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Gustave Courbet, Paul Cézanne, Claude Monet, Georges Seurat, Albert Bierstadt, John Singer Sargent and others. First established in 1879, the collection has expanded to include nearly 25,000 works of art, including a diverse collection of non-Western art. It is also a member of the Museums10 collective, a consortium of art, science, and history museums in Western Massachusetts. The SCMA serves as an important cultural and educational resource for the communities of Smith College, the Five College Consortium, and the town of Northampton.

Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art


Vereinigtes Königreich

Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, or mima, is a contemporary art gallery based in the centre of Middlesbrough, England. The gallery was formally launched on Sunday 27 January 2007; since 2014 it has been run by Teesside University.

Frick Collection

New York City

Vereinigte Staaten

Die Frick Collection ist ein 1935 eröffnetes Kunstmuseum in New York City in den USA und zeigt vorwiegend bedeutsame europäische Gemälde. Das Gebäude befindet sich am südlichen Ende der Museum Mile in der Upper East Side in New York Citys Stadtteil Manhattan an der Fifth Avenue und der 70th Street.

St George's Hospital


Vereinigtes Königreich

St George's Hospital is a teaching hospital in Tooting, London. Founded in 1733, it is one of the UK's largest teaching hospitals and one of the largest hospitals in Europe. It is run by the St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It shares its main hospital site in Tooting in the London Borough of Wandsworth, with St George's, University of London which trains NHS staff and carries out advanced medical research. The hospital has around 1,300 beds and most general tertiary care such as accident and emergency, maternity services and care for older people and children. However, as a major acute hospital, St George's Hospital also offers specialist care for the more complex injuries and illnesses, including trauma, neurology, cardiac care, renal transplantation, cancer care and stroke. It is also home to one of four major trauma centres and one of eight hyper-acute stroke units for London. St George's Hospital also provides care for patients from a larger catchment area in the South East of England, for specialities such as complex pelvic trauma. Other services treat patients from all over the country, such as family HIV care and bone marrow transplantation for non-cancer diseases. The trust also provides a nationwide endoscopy training service.

Royal Academy of Music

Westminster (London)

Vereinigtes Königreich

Die Royal Academy of Music ist eine Musikhochschule in London, England, und zugleich eine der führenden Musikinstitutionen weltweit.

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston


Vereinigte Staaten

Das Museum of Fine Arts ist ein 1924 eröffnetes Kunstmuseum in Houston. Es ist das größte Museum für Kunst im Bundesstaat Texas. Die Sammlung des Museum of Fine Arts umfasst 62.000 Objekte aus aller Welt von der Antike bis hin zur Modernen Kunst. Das Museum, das zudem mit der Hirsch Library die größte Kunstbibliothek im Südwesten der USA besitzt, wird jährlich von über 3,6 Millionen Menschen besucht .

Musée Thomas-Henry



The Musée des beaux-arts Thomas Henry is a museum at Cherbourg-Octeville with around 300 artworks, mainly paintings from the 15th to 19th centuries. It has been rated as the third most important collection in Normandy.

Brigham Young University Museum of Art


Vereinigte Staaten

The Brigham Young University Museum of Art, located in Provo, Utah, United States is the university's primary art museum and is one of the best attended university-campus art museums in the United States. The museum, which had been discussed for more than fifty years, opened in a 10,000-square-foot space in October 1993 with a large exhibit on the Etruscans. The museum is an integral part of the BYU College of Fine Arts and Communications and provides opportunities for students across the college and the university's campus.

National trust

Wellington (Somerset)

Vereinigtes Königreich

The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, commonly known as the National Trust, is a charity and membership organisation for heritage conservation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, there is a separate and independent National Trust for Scotland. The Trust was founded in 1895 by Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Hardwicke Rawnsley to "promote the permanent preservation for the benefit of the Nation of lands and tenements of beauty or historic interest". It was given statutory powers, starting with the National Trust Act 1907. Historically, the Trust acquired land by gift and sometimes by public subscription and appeal, but after World War II the loss of country houses resulted in many such properties being acquired either by gift from the former owners, or through the National Land Fund. Country houses and estates still make up a significant part of its holdings, but it is also known for its protection of wild landscapes such as in the Lake District and Peak District. As well as the great estates of titled families, it has acquired smaller houses including some whose significance is not architectural but through their association with famous people, for example the childhood homes of Paul McCartney and John Lennon. One of the largest landowners in the United Kingdom, the Trust owns over 248,000 hectares of land and 780 miles of coast. Its properties include over 500 historic houses, castles, archaeological and industrial monuments, gardens, parks and nature reserves. Most properties are open to the public for a charge , while open spaces are free to all. The Trust has an annual income of over £630 million, largely from membership subscriptions, donations and legacies, investments, entrance fees to properties, and profits from its shops and restaurants. It also receives grants from a variety of organisations including other charities, government departments, local authorities and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

National trust

Ashford (Kent)

Vereinigtes Königreich

The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, commonly known as the National Trust, is a charity and membership organisation for heritage conservation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, there is a separate and independent National Trust for Scotland. The Trust was founded in 1895 by Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Hardwicke Rawnsley to "promote the permanent preservation for the benefit of the Nation of lands and tenements of beauty or historic interest". It was given statutory powers, starting with the National Trust Act 1907. Historically, the Trust acquired land by gift and sometimes by public subscription and appeal, but after World War II the loss of country houses resulted in many such properties being acquired either by gift from the former owners, or through the National Land Fund. Country houses and estates still make up a significant part of its holdings, but it is also known for its protection of wild landscapes such as in the Lake District and Peak District. As well as the great estates of titled families, it has acquired smaller houses including some whose significance is not architectural but through their association with famous people, for example the childhood homes of Paul McCartney and John Lennon. One of the largest landowners in the United Kingdom, the Trust owns over 248,000 hectares of land and 780 miles of coast. Its properties include over 500 historic houses, castles, archaeological and industrial monuments, gardens, parks and nature reserves. Most properties are open to the public for a charge , while open spaces are free to all. The Trust has an annual income of over £630 million, largely from membership subscriptions, donations and legacies, investments, entrance fees to properties, and profits from its shops and restaurants. It also receives grants from a variety of organisations including other charities, government departments, local authorities and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

National trust


Vereinigtes Königreich

The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, commonly known as the National Trust, is a charity and membership organisation for heritage conservation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, there is a separate and independent National Trust for Scotland. The Trust was founded in 1895 by Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Hardwicke Rawnsley to "promote the permanent preservation for the benefit of the Nation of lands and tenements of beauty or historic interest". It was given statutory powers, starting with the National Trust Act 1907. Historically, the Trust acquired land by gift and sometimes by public subscription and appeal, but after World War II the loss of country houses resulted in many such properties being acquired either by gift from the former owners, or through the National Land Fund. Country houses and estates still make up a significant part of its holdings, but it is also known for its protection of wild landscapes such as in the Lake District and Peak District. As well as the great estates of titled families, it has acquired smaller houses including some whose significance is not architectural but through their association with famous people, for example the childhood homes of Paul McCartney and John Lennon. One of the largest landowners in the United Kingdom, the Trust owns over 248,000 hectares of land and 780 miles of coast. Its properties include over 500 historic houses, castles, archaeological and industrial monuments, gardens, parks and nature reserves. Most properties are open to the public for a charge , while open spaces are free to all. The Trust has an annual income of over £630 million, largely from membership subscriptions, donations and legacies, investments, entrance fees to properties, and profits from its shops and restaurants. It also receives grants from a variety of organisations including other charities, government departments, local authorities and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Diocesan Museum (Cortona)



The Diocesan Museum in Cortona is an art museum in Cortona, Tuscany, Italy. Located on the former site of the local Church of Gesù, it houses works of art by artists such as Fra Angelico, Pietro Lorenzetti, Bartolomeo della Gatta, Luca Signorelli and Sassetta. The oldest item in the museum is a marble Roman sarcophagus , depicting depicts the battle of Dionysus. A room in the museum is specifically dedicated to the works of Luca Signorelli and his workshop, and emphasizes the bond between Signorelli and his hometown, and correspond to the artist's last years of work, from 1512 to 1523, the year of his death. Ten of the works bear the personal signature of Signorelli, the others are assumed to be from his workshop.The large tempera on panel depiction of the Lamentation of Christ, which used to be in the church of S. Margaret of Cortona, was called "a rare form of art" by Giorgio Vasari. The predella, on which Girolamo Genga may have also worked displays scenes of the Passion such as of the Last Supper, Agony in the Garden, and the Flagellation of Christ. The Communion of the Apostles, by Signorelli, was painted for the high altar of the Church of Gesù, and has an unusual iconography in which the apostles are gathered around a table at the Last Supper, in a semicircle, standing or kneeling and around the figure of Christ. Only Judas, concealing his 30 pieces of silver faces the viewer, his glance revealing the inner struggle of betrayal. Another work attributed to Signorelli, or his workshop, is the 1519–1520 Assumption of the Virgin from the Cathedral of Cortona.Other major art in the museum include: The Cortona Triptych by Fra Angelico Madonna and Child by Niccolò di Segna A large cross painted by Pietro Lorenzetti Maestà by Pietro Lorenzetti Triptych of the Madonna of Humility with Saints by Sassetta Assumption by Bartolomeo della Gatta Ecstasy of St. Margaret of Cortona by Giuseppe Maria Crespi

Museo di Capodimonte



Das Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte in Neapel ist im Palast Reggia di Capodimonte untergebracht und zeigt Exponate des italienischen und neapolitanischen Kulturerbes sowie eine umfangreiche Gemäldegalerie. Er war ursprünglich die etwas außerhalb der Stadt gelegene Sommerresidenz der Bourbonen im Königreich beider Sizilien und überblickt die Stadt.