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Kingston (Ontario) / Kanada

Kingston [ˌkɪŋstən] in der kanadischen Provinz Ontario hat über 120.000 Einwohner und liegt am nordöstlichen Ende des Ontariosees, wo der See in den Sankt-Lorenz-Strom übergeht und die Thousand Islands beginnen. Wegen der zahlreichen, aus Kalkstein bestehenden historischen Gebäude wird Kingston auch „Stadt des Kalksteins“ genannt.

Agnes Etherington Art Centre

Kingston (Ontario) / Kanada

The Agnes Etherington Art Centre is a research-intensive public art museum in Kingston, Ontario, Canada located in the heart of the historic campus of Queen's University. It presents artistic traditions of the past and innovations of the present through year-round programs of exhibitions and outreach activities staged across eight galleries, the Biéler Studio, and assorted public spaces including the period rooms of the historic Etherington House.The gallery has received a number of awards for its exhibitions from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Association of Art Galleries and others.