Palazzo Pretorio, Prato
Prato (Toskana) / Italien
The Palazzo Pretorio is a historical building in Prato, Tuscany, italy. It was the old city hall, standing in front of the current Palazzo Comunale. It now accommodates the Civic Museum of Prato, which was reopened on September 2013.
Polyptichon santa Caterina ( Pisa Polyptichon )
Simone Martini
Virtuelle 3D-Tour Kaufen
st. paul
Masaccio (Ser Giovanni, Mone Cassai)
st rossore
Polyptichon santa Caterina ( ausschnitt )
madonna und kind mit zwei Engel ( null of Bescheidenheit )
Master Of The Castello Nativity
jungfrau verkünden ( detail )
Nino Pisano
Madonna del Latte
Madonna mit dem Kind
Giovanni Pisano