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Augsburgo / Alemania

Augsburgo es una ciudad metrópoli alemana. Es la capital de la región administrativa de Suabia del estado federado de Baviera. Augsburgo es ciudad independiente y al mismo tiempo capital del distrito homónimo.

Maximilianstraße (Augsburg)

Augsburgo / Alemania

The Maximilianstraße is a street in the old-town area of Augsburg in Germany. It is one of the city's most historic streets and is the site of the Fuggerhäuser.

Catedral de Augsburgo

Augsburgo / Alemania

La catedral de Augsburgo ? es un templo católico de la ciudad de Augsburgo, Baviera . Su construcción se inició en el siglo XI en estilo románico, aunque en el siglo XIV se hicieron adiciones en estilo gótico. La catedral, junto con la Basílica de St. Ulrich y Afra, es una de las principales atracciones turísticas de Augsburgo.

St. Anne's Church, Augsburg

Augsburgo / Alemania

St. Anne's Church in Augsburg, Germany, is a medieval church building that was originally part of a monastery built in 1321. It is notable for its elaborate interior decoration.


Augsburgo / Alemania

The Schaezlerpalais is a magnificent baroque palace in Augsburg. The Palace extends far back from the street, encompassing dozens of magnificent rooms, courtyards and gardens. The gilded, mirrored, ballroom, built between 1765-70) survives intact, and is widely regarded as the most artistically significant Rococo ball room in Germany. Carl Albert von Lespilliez was the architect of the Schaezlerpalais. The building is a registered historic monument declared by the State of Bavaria. The palace houses the following art collections Deutsche Barockgalerie, Southern German paintings of the 17th and 18th century Karl und Magdalene Haberstock-Stiftung Baroque paintings, e.g. Paolo Veronese, Canaletto, Anthony van Dyck and Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Staatsgalerie Altdeutsche Meister with paintings from Southern Germany of the 15th and 16th century , a subsidiary of Bavarian State Picture Collection Temporary exhibition rooms Adjacent to the building complex, a Baroque garden is open to the public.