Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Halle (Sajonia-Anhalt) / Alemania

Halle es una ciudad de Alemania, situada en el estado de Sajonia-Anhalt a orillas del Saale. Tiene una población de 233 820 habitantes en 2015[1]​ y una superficie de 135 km².[2]​

Moritzburg (Halle)

Halle (Sajonia-Anhalt) / Alemania

The Moritzburg is a fortified castle in Halle , Germany. The cornerstone of what would later become the residence of the Archbishops of Magdeburg was laid in 1484; the castle was built in the style of the Early Renaissance. Since the end of the 19th century it has housed an arts museum which is recognised as being of national importance.