Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Florencia / Italia

Florencia es una ciudad situada en el norte de la región central de Italia, capital y ciudad más poblada de la ciudad metropolitana homónima y de la región de Toscana, de la que es su centro histórico, artístico, económico y administrativo. Cuenta con unos 378 239 habitantes,[2]​ y es el centro de un área metropolitana de aproximadamente un millón y medio de habitantes. Capital de Italia entre 1865 y 1871 durante la Unificación italiana, en la Edad Media fue un importante centro cultural, económico y financiero. Conoció su época de mayor esplendor tras la instauración del Gran Ducado de Toscana bajo el dominio de la dinastía Médici.[cita requerida]Florencia es el núcleo urbano en el que se originó en la segunda mitad del siglo XIV el movimiento artístico denominado Renacimiento, y se la considera una de las cunas mundiales del arte y de la arquitectura así como también una de las ciudades más hermosas del mundo. Su centro histórico fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1982[3]​ y en él destacan obras medievales y renacentistas como la cúpula de Santa María del Fiore, el Ponte Vecchio, la Basílica de Santa Cruz, el Palazzo Vecchio y museos como los Uffizi, el Bargello o la Galería de la Academia, que acoge al David de Miguel Ángel.

San Felice, Florence

Florencia / Italia

The Chiesa di San Felice is a Roman Catholic church in Florence, region of Tuscany, Italy. It is located on the south bank of the River Arno, just west of the Pitti Palace. It is predominantly Gothic, but has a Renaissance façade by Michelozzo, added in 1457. Over the high altar is a large Crucifix attributed to Giotto or his school. A church at the site was built about the 10th-century outside one of the gates of early walls of Florence. It first belonged to the Monastery of San Silvestro of Nonantola, and in 1413 it was transferred to the Camaldolese Order. In 1552, it became property of the Dominican nuns of San Pietro Martire. The church provided a sanctuary to women fleeing from abusive husbands. The interior had a Madonna with Child and Saints by Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. Another chapel has a fresco by Giovanni da San Giovanni, depicting San Felice reviving St Massimo; the angels gathering the grapes in the painting are by Baldassare Franceschini. It had a triptych by Neri di Bicci, depicting St Augustin and St John Baptist, and St Julian and King St Sigismond. Another chapel had a Madonna and Child with St Hyacinth, by Jacopo da Empoli. The church has a Last Supper by Matteo Rosselli.

San Remigio, Florence

Florencia / Italia

San Remigio di Firenze is a church in Florence, Italy. The church was founded around the year 1000. It is dedicated to Saint Remigius. In the 13th century, the church was reconstructed to feature a triangle-shaped facade with hanging arches along the roof line. The interior still reflects the original Gothic architecture with ogive arches and octagonal columns along the three aisles.

Sant'Ambrogio, Florence

Florencia / Italia

Sant'Ambrogio is a Roman Catholic church in Florence, region of Tuscany, Italy. It is named in honour of St Ambrose.

Santa Maria Maggiore, Florence

Florencia / Italia

Santa Maria Maggiore di Firenze is a Romanesque and Gothic-style, Roman Catholic church in Florence, region of Tuscany, Italy. This is among the oldest extant churches in Florence.

Santi Apostoli, Florence

Florencia / Italia

The Church of Santi Apostoli is a Romanesque-style, Roman Catholic church in the historic center of Florence, in the Tuscany region of Italy. It is among the oldest church buildings in Florence.

San Gaetano, Florence

Florencia / Italia

San Gaetano, also known as Santi Michele e Gaetano, is a Baroque church in Florence, Italy, located on the Piazza Antinori.

Santo Stefano al Ponte

Florencia / Italia

Santo Stefano al Ponte is a Romanesque-style, Roman Catholic church, located in the Piazza of the same name, just off the Via Por Santa Maria, near the Ponte Vecchio, in Florence, region of Tuscany, Italy. The church is presently used as a concert hall.

Ospedale di San Paolo

Florencia / Italia

The Hospital of San Paolo , later known as the Spedale of the Leopoldine, is a former hospital from the 13th century, now museum of modern works, located on Piazza Santa Maria Novella number 10, in Florence, region of Tuscany, Italy.