Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

República de Mordovia / Rusia

Mordovia es una de las veintidós repúblicas que, junto con los cuarenta y seis óblast, nueve krais, cuatro distritos autónomos, una oblast autónoma y tres ciudades federales, conforman los ochenta y cinco sujetos federales de Rusia. Su capital es Saransk. Está ubicada en el distrito Volga limitando al norte con Nizhni Nóvgorod, al noreste con Chuvasia, al sureste con el río Surá que la separa de Uliánovsk, al sur con Penza y al oeste con Riazán. La República de Mordovia en su forma actual existe desde el 25 de enero de 1994.

Mordovian Erzia Museum of Visual Arts

República de Mordovia / Rusia

Mordovian Erzia Museum of Visual Arts is a museum in the Saransk city in Mordovian Republic. Mordovian Erzia Museum of Visual Arts holds the world's largest collection of more than 200 works done by the famous sculptor of the 20th century Stepan Dmitrievich Erzia. The museum also contains collection of works of Mordovian folk artists, such as F. Sychkov, and I. Makarov. Both of them, as well as Erzia were born in Mordovia. The museum exhibits collections of all the major art forms: painting, drawing, sculpture. There are also expositions and collections of Russian art of the 18th and 19th centuries and of the modern Russian and Mordovian art as well. In 2002, the museum was classified by the Government of Mordovia as one of the most valuable objects of cultural heritage of Mordovian people.