Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Reino Unido

El Reino Unido ,[nota 1]​ oficialmente el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ,[nota 2]​ o de forma abreviada RU es un país soberano e insular ubicado al noroeste de la Europa Continental. Su territorio está formado geográficamente por la isla de Gran Bretaña, el noreste de la isla de Irlanda y pequeñas islas adyacentes. Desde la independencia de la República de Irlanda, Irlanda del Norte ha sido la única parte del país con una frontera terrestre, hasta la inauguración del Eurotúnel que une por tierra a la isla de Gran Bretaña con Francia y las tierras continentales europeas. Gran Bretaña limita al norte y al oeste con el océano Atlántico, al este con el mar del Norte, al sur con el canal de la Mancha y al oeste con el mar de Irlanda. El Reino Unido es un Estado unitario comprendido por cuatro naciones constitutivas: Escocia, Gales, Inglaterra e Irlanda del Norte.[8]​ Es gobernado mediante un sistema parlamentario con sede de gobierno y capitalidad en Londres, pero con tres administraciones nacionales descentralizadas en Edimburgo, Cardiff y Belfast, las capitales de Escocia, Gales e Irlanda del Norte, respectivamente. Es una monarquía parlamentaria, siendo Isabel II la jefa de Estado. Coloquial y erróneamente se denomina Gran Bretaña e Inglaterra, consecuencia del mayor peso de ambos dentro del Estado. Las dependencias de la Corona de las islas del Canal —Jersey y Guernsey— y la Isla de Man no forman parte del Reino Unido, si bien el Gobierno británico es responsable de su defensa y las relaciones internacionales.[9]​ El Reino Unido tiene catorce territorios de ultramar, todos ellos vestigios de lo que fue el Imperio británico, que en su territorio internacional llegó a alcanzar y a abarcar cerca de una quinta parte de la superficie terrestre mundial. Isabel II continúa estando a la cabeza de la Mancomunidad de Naciones y siendo jefe de Estado de cada uno de los Reinos de la Mancomunidad. Es un país desarrollado que por su volumen neto de producto interno bruto es la quinta economía mundial. Fue el primer país industrializado del mundo[10]​ y la principal potencia mundial durante el siglo XIX y el comienzo del siglo XX[11]​ , pero el costo económico de las dos guerras mundiales y el declive de su imperio en la segunda parte del siglo XX disminuyeron su papel en las relaciones internacionales. Sin embargo, aún mantiene una significativa influencia económica, cultural, militar y política, y es una potencia nuclear. Fue miembro de la Unión Europea entre 1973 y 2020.[nota 3]​ Es uno de los cinco miembros permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas con derecho a veto, miembro del G7, el G-20, la OTAN, la OCDE, la UKUSA, la Mancomunidad de Naciones y la Common Travel Area.

Sheffield Galleries and Museums Trust


Sheffield Galleries and Museums Trust, known as Museums Sheffield is a charity created in 1998 to run Sheffield City Council’s non-industrial museums and galleries. Museums Sheffield currently manages three sites in the city: Graves Art Gallery, Millennium Gallery and Weston Park Museum. It is run from offices at Leader House on Surrey Street. The trust is responsible for the care of the city's historic collections, including visual and decorative art, social history, archaeology and natural sciences. Its mission is 'to connect with our visitors, share stories about Sheffield and the wider world, and care for the city's collections'.

Bury Art Museum

Bury (Gran Mánchester)

Bury Art Museum is a public museum and art gallery in the town of Bury, Greater Manchester, northern England, owned by Bury Council.Formerly known as Bury Museum and Art Gallery, it was renamed Bury Art Museum in 2011. The museum is home to the Wrigley Collection, an assemblage of over two hundred oil paintings, watercolours, prints and ceramics accumulated by the Victorian paper manufacturer Thomas Wrigley . The collection includes works by Turner, Constable, and Landseer. The donation of his collection to Bury was the impetus for the foundation and construction of the museum and art gallery. The building was designed by the Manchester firm of Woodhouse and Willoughby. Donations of artworks quickly followed its opening on 9 October 1901 by the Earl of Derby, including donations from the town's Member of Parliament James Kenyon. In 2005, a £1.2 million refurbishment was carried out, designed to provide a brand new museum, art gallery and library all under one roof. This includes a combined Museum and Archives Centre which, based on a radical re-think, uses artefacts, documentation and art to tell the story of the town. The most recent renovation includes modern artefacts such as iPods and electric iRobot vacuum cleaners. The council decided in 2006 to sell Lowry's painting The Riverbank at auction in order to fund part of its social services budget shortfall. This has resulted in the government's Museums, Libraries and Archives Council removing Bury Council's accredited museum status. The authority will now have limited funding options and will be ineligible for some grants.

Museo y Galería de Arte de Birmingham


El Museo y Galería de Arte de Birmingham es un museo y galería de arte en Birmingham, Inglaterra. Tiene una colección de importancia internacional que abarca bellas artes, cerámica, metalistería, joyas, historia natural, arqueología, etnografía, historia local e historia industrial.[1]​ El museo/galería está gestionado por el Birmingham Museums Trust, el fideicomiso de caridad independiente más grande del Reino Unido, el cual también dirige otros 8 museos de la ciudad.[2]​ La entrada al edificio es gratuita, pero algunas de las principales exposiciones del Gas Hall requieren un tarifa de entrada. En 2016, llegó a recibir un total de 780 879 visitantes, lo que lo convierte en el 21.er museo más visitado de su país y el 9.º más visitado fuera de Londres.

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum


Herbert Art Gallery & Museum is a museum, art gallery, records archive, learning centre, media studio and creative arts facility on Jordan Well, Coventry, England.

Towner Gallery


Towner Art Gallery is located in Eastbourne, East Sussex, on the south coast of England. It hosts one of the most significant public art collections in the South of England and draws over 100,000 visitors a year. It was described by ITV News as "the region's biggest art gallery", in 2017.It was established with a bequest in 1920, from John Chisholm Towner who had served as a local alderman. It was first homed in Manor Gardens, adjacent to Gildredge Park in the Old Town area of Eastbourne. Opening there in 1923, it closed when the building was sold in 2005. In 2009, it re-opened in a purpose-built facility adjacent to the Congress Theatre, near Eastbourne's seafront.

Derby Museum and Art Gallery


El Derby Museum and Art Gallery es un museo histórico de bellas artes de la ciudad de Derby, en Inglaterra, inaugurado en 1879. En el museo se exhibe toda una galería con la obra pictórica de Joseph Wright, el primer pintor de la Revolución Industrial,[1]​ además de colecciones arqueológicas, geológicas, de historia natural y militar, aunque es famoso por poseer la mayor colección de porcelana Royal Crown Derby y otras porcelanas de Derby y áreas circundantes.

Dorset County Museum

Dorchester (Dorset)

The Dorset County Museum is located in Dorchester, Dorset, England. Founded in 1846, the museum covers the county of Dorset's history and environment. The current building was built in 1881 on the former site of the George Inn. The building was designed specifically to house the museum's collection and is in the neo-Gothic style. The museum includes information and over 2 million artifacts associated with archaeology , geology , history, local writers and natural science. There are video displays, activity carts for children, and an audio guide. The collections include fossilised dinosaur footprints, Roman mosaics and original Thomas Hardy manuscripts.

Warrington Museum & Art Gallery


Warrington Museum & Art Gallery is on Bold Street in the Cultural Quarter of Warrington in a Grade II listed building that it shares with the town's Central Library. The Museum and the Library originally opened in 1848 as the first rate-supported library in the UK, before moving to their current premises in 1858. The art galleries were subsequently added in 1877 and 1931. Operated by Culture Warrington, Warrington Museum and Art Gallery has the distinction of being one of the oldest municipal museums in the UK and much of the quintessential character of the building has been preserved.

Brotherton Library


The Brotherton Library is a 1936 Grade II listed Beaux-Arts building with some art deco fittings, located on the main campus of the University of Leeds. It was designed by the firm of Lanchester & Lodge, and is named after Edward Brotherton, 1st Baron Brotherton, who in 1927 donated £100,000 to the university as funding for its first purpose-built library. The Brotherton Library is a hub in what has become Leeds University Library. Initially, it contained all of the university's books and manuscripts, with the exception of books housed in the separate Medical Library and Clothworkers' Library. Its contents cover the main collections in arts and languages and the Special Collections' Research Centre. It also houses part of the University Library's administration. Science, engineering and social science research collections are located in the Edward Boyle Library, opened in 1975. The Laidlaw Library opened in 2015 contains core texts for undergraduates and a high demand collection. The Health Sciences Library, housed in the Worsley Building since 1977, contains the University Library's medical and related collections, with a small satellite library at St James's University Hospital. Leeds University Library is also responsible for the University Archives, the Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery, the Treasures Gallery and the International Textile Collection.