Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Reino Unido

El Reino Unido ,[nota 1]​ oficialmente el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ,[nota 2]​ o de forma abreviada RU es un país soberano e insular ubicado al noroeste de la Europa Continental. Su territorio está formado geográficamente por la isla de Gran Bretaña, el noreste de la isla de Irlanda y pequeñas islas adyacentes. Desde la independencia de la República de Irlanda, Irlanda del Norte ha sido la única parte del país con una frontera terrestre, hasta la inauguración del Eurotúnel que une por tierra a la isla de Gran Bretaña con Francia y las tierras continentales europeas. Gran Bretaña limita al norte y al oeste con el océano Atlántico, al este con el mar del Norte, al sur con el canal de la Mancha y al oeste con el mar de Irlanda. El Reino Unido es un Estado unitario comprendido por cuatro naciones constitutivas: Escocia, Gales, Inglaterra e Irlanda del Norte.[8]​ Es gobernado mediante un sistema parlamentario con sede de gobierno y capitalidad en Londres, pero con tres administraciones nacionales descentralizadas en Edimburgo, Cardiff y Belfast, las capitales de Escocia, Gales e Irlanda del Norte, respectivamente. Es una monarquía parlamentaria, siendo Isabel II la jefa de Estado. Coloquial y erróneamente se denomina Gran Bretaña e Inglaterra, consecuencia del mayor peso de ambos dentro del Estado. Las dependencias de la Corona de las islas del Canal —Jersey y Guernsey— y la Isla de Man no forman parte del Reino Unido, si bien el Gobierno británico es responsable de su defensa y las relaciones internacionales.[9]​ El Reino Unido tiene catorce territorios de ultramar, todos ellos vestigios de lo que fue el Imperio británico, que en su territorio internacional llegó a alcanzar y a abarcar cerca de una quinta parte de la superficie terrestre mundial. Isabel II continúa estando a la cabeza de la Mancomunidad de Naciones y siendo jefe de Estado de cada uno de los Reinos de la Mancomunidad. Es un país desarrollado que por su volumen neto de producto interno bruto es la quinta economía mundial. Fue el primer país industrializado del mundo[10]​ y la principal potencia mundial durante el siglo XIX y el comienzo del siglo XX[11]​ , pero el costo económico de las dos guerras mundiales y el declive de su imperio en la segunda parte del siglo XX disminuyeron su papel en las relaciones internacionales. Sin embargo, aún mantiene una significativa influencia económica, cultural, militar y política, y es una potencia nuclear. Fue miembro de la Unión Europea entre 1973 y 2020.[nota 3]​ Es uno de los cinco miembros permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas con derecho a veto, miembro del G7, el G-20, la OTAN, la OCDE, la UKUSA, la Mancomunidad de Naciones y la Common Travel Area.

Museum of the Order of St John


The Museum of the Order of St John in Clerkenwell, London, tells the story of the Venerable Order of Saint John from its roots as a pan-European Order of Hospitaller Knights founded in Jerusalem during the Crusades, to its present commitment to providing first aid and care in the community through the St John Ambulance Brigade and running an Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem. The museum is a member of the London Museums of Health & Medicine.

Brontë Parsonage Museum


The Brontë Parsonage Museum is a writer's house museum maintained by the Brontë Society in honour of the Brontë sisters – Charlotte, Emily and Anne. The museum is in the former Brontë family home, the parsonage in Haworth, West Yorkshire, England, where the sisters spent most of their lives and wrote their famous novels. The Brontë Society, one of the oldest literary societies in the English speaking world, is a registered charity. Its members support the preservation of the museum and library collections. The parsonage is listed Grade I on the National Heritage List for England.

Haslemere Educational Museum


Haslemere Educational Museum was founded in 1888 by the eminent surgeon Sir Jonathan Hutchinson to display his growing collection of natural history specimens. After two moves it found in 1926 a permanent home in Haslemere High Street, in the town of Haslemere, Surrey, England. The museum won a national award in 2012 and is an independent charity. It contains nearly half a million specimens, artefacts, papers and images.

Waddesdon Manor


Waddesdon Manor es una casa de campo situada en el pueblo de Waddeston, en el condado de Buckinghamshire, Inglaterra. La casa fue construida en una colina con vistas al pueblo de Waddesdon, en estilo neo-renacentista de castillo francés, entre 1874 y 1889, como finca de recreo para el barón Ferdinand de Rothschild , miembro de la familia de banqueros Rothschild. El arquitecto fue Gabriel-Hippolyte Destailleur. Hoy en día Waddesdon es propiedad del National Trust, pero recientemente, tras una intensiva restauración, ha sido y continúa siendo administrado por la familia Rothschild encabezada por Jacob, 4.º Barón de Rothschild.

Cannon Hall


Cannon Hall is a country house museum located between the villages of Cawthorne and High Hoyland some 5 miles west of Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England. Originally the home of the Spencer and later the Spencer-Stanhope family, it now houses collections of fine furniture, paintings, ceramics and glassware. It at one time housed the Regimental Museum of the 13th/18th Royal Hussars and the Light Dragoons, which has now closed. Now occupying four rooms in the east wing is the "Family of Artists" exhibition on loan from the De Morgan Foundation, which draws on the links between the Spencer Stanhopes and the De Morgans.The building is constructed of coursed sandstone with ashlar dressings with a symmetrical layout of a central 3-storey block of 5 bays and slightly set back 2-storey side wings of 3 bays.

City of Westminster Archives Centre


The Westminster Archives Centre is the archive centre for the City of Westminster, London, located at 10 St Ann's Street, London SW1P 2DE England.

Palace House


Palace House is the home of the National Horse Racing Museum in the remaining part of Charles II's racing palace in Newmarket, Suffolk, England. It is home to the National Horse Racing Museum, the British Sporting Art Trust and Retraining of Racehorses, and was opened by Elizabeth II in 2016.

Oxford Brookes University


Oxford Brookes University is a new university in Oxford, England. It can trace its origins to 1865, when it was founded as the Oxford School of Art. It became a university in 1992 and was renamed to honour its former principal, John Henry Brookes. Oxford Brookes University is spread across four campuses, with three primary sites based in and around Oxford and the fourth campus located in Swindon. In 2020 Oxford Brookes University won its appeal against the local council to demolish its Wheatley campus and build houses on the site. Brookes has approximately 18,000 students, 2,800 staff and over 130,000 alumni in over 189 countries. The university is divided into four faculties: Oxford Brookes Business School, Health and Life Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Technology, Design and Environment. Oxford Brookes University's partnership with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants allows ACCA students to earn a BSc in applied accounting with the submission of a research and analysis project work while taking their ACCA examinations. The university also has schools of architecture and law. Brookes is a member of the University Alliance mission group.

Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery


Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery in the Drake Circus area of Plymouth, Devon, England was built in 1907–10 by Thornely and Rooke in Edwardian Baroque style. The building closed in late 2016. Along with the former Central Library building and St Luke's Church on Tavistock Place, it has since been redeveloped into The Box, Plymouth. This major new museum, gallery and archive is scheduled to open in 2020.