Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Reino Unido

El Reino Unido ,[nota 1]​ oficialmente el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ,[nota 2]​ o de forma abreviada RU es un país soberano e insular ubicado al noroeste de la Europa Continental. Su territorio está formado geográficamente por la isla de Gran Bretaña, el noreste de la isla de Irlanda y pequeñas islas adyacentes. Desde la independencia de la República de Irlanda, Irlanda del Norte ha sido la única parte del país con una frontera terrestre, hasta la inauguración del Eurotúnel que une por tierra a la isla de Gran Bretaña con Francia y las tierras continentales europeas. Gran Bretaña limita al norte y al oeste con el océano Atlántico, al este con el mar del Norte, al sur con el canal de la Mancha y al oeste con el mar de Irlanda. El Reino Unido es un Estado unitario comprendido por cuatro naciones constitutivas: Escocia, Gales, Inglaterra e Irlanda del Norte.[8]​ Es gobernado mediante un sistema parlamentario con sede de gobierno y capitalidad en Londres, pero con tres administraciones nacionales descentralizadas en Edimburgo, Cardiff y Belfast, las capitales de Escocia, Gales e Irlanda del Norte, respectivamente. Es una monarquía parlamentaria, siendo Isabel II la jefa de Estado. Coloquial y erróneamente se denomina Gran Bretaña e Inglaterra, consecuencia del mayor peso de ambos dentro del Estado. Las dependencias de la Corona de las islas del Canal —Jersey y Guernsey— y la Isla de Man no forman parte del Reino Unido, si bien el Gobierno británico es responsable de su defensa y las relaciones internacionales.[9]​ El Reino Unido tiene catorce territorios de ultramar, todos ellos vestigios de lo que fue el Imperio británico, que en su territorio internacional llegó a alcanzar y a abarcar cerca de una quinta parte de la superficie terrestre mundial. Isabel II continúa estando a la cabeza de la Mancomunidad de Naciones y siendo jefe de Estado de cada uno de los Reinos de la Mancomunidad. Es un país desarrollado que por su volumen neto de producto interno bruto es la quinta economía mundial. Fue el primer país industrializado del mundo[10]​ y la principal potencia mundial durante el siglo XIX y el comienzo del siglo XX[11]​ , pero el costo económico de las dos guerras mundiales y el declive de su imperio en la segunda parte del siglo XX disminuyeron su papel en las relaciones internacionales. Sin embargo, aún mantiene una significativa influencia económica, cultural, militar y política, y es una potencia nuclear. Fue miembro de la Unión Europea entre 1973 y 2020.[nota 3]​ Es uno de los cinco miembros permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas con derecho a veto, miembro del G7, el G-20, la OTAN, la OCDE, la UKUSA, la Mancomunidad de Naciones y la Common Travel Area.

Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service


Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service, formerly Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Brigade, is the fire and rescue service for the metropolitan county of Tyne and Wear. The service provides emergency fire cover to the five comprising metropolitan boroughs of Sunderland, Gateshead, Newcastle Upon Tyne, North Tyneside and South Tyneside, serving a population of 1.09 million people and a total geographical area of 538 square kilometres. Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Authority is responsible for the running of the service, as well as the publication of performance indicators in accordance with its legal obligations. In April 2017, Chris Lowther was appointed Chief Fire Officer. In November 2018, the service announced proposals to cut frontline operations in order to meet budget requirements imposed by the Government. The proposals are currently under public consultation and members of the public are welcome to complete the consultation survey and attend the remaining meetings, a full list of which can be found at the Tyne and Wear Fire Service website. The public consultation ends in January 2019.

Abadía de Westminster


La abadía de Westminster o Iglesia colegiata de San Pedro de Westminster es una iglesia gótica anglicana del tamaño de una catedral. Está localizada en Westminster, Londres, al lado del palacio de Westminster. Es el lugar tradicional para las coronaciones y entierros de los monarcas ingleses y, más tarde, los monarcas británicos. La abadía tiene, además, muchos sepulcros de otros miembros de la familia real, aristócratas y personalidades ilustres. No recibe fondos públicos, y sus ingresos para 1999-2000 se estimaban en 8,7 millones de libras, incluyendo las entradas abonadas por más de 1 250 000 visitantes. Emplea a unas 200 personas, además de contar con 280 voluntarios.[1]​ Aunque de 1540 a 1550 tenía estatus de catedral, a partir de 1559[2]​ fue designada como una de las Royal Peculiars.[3]​ La Unesco nombró a la abadía, junto con el Palacio de Westminster y la iglesia de Santa Margarita como Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1987.[4]​

Working Class Movement Library


The Working Class Movement Library is a collection of English language books, periodicals, pamphlets, archives and artefacts relating to the development of the political and cultural institutions of the working class which were created by the Industrial Revolution. It is situated in Salford, Greater Manchester, England.

Worthing Hospital


Worthing Hospital is a medium-sized District General Hospital located in Worthing, West Sussex, England. It is managed by Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

St. Andrew's and Blackfriars' Hall, Norwich


St. Andrew's Hall and Blackfriars' Hall are a Grade I listed set of friary church and convent buildings in the English city of Norwich, Norfolk, dating back to the 14th century. They make up the most complete friary complex surviving in England. The complex is made up of several flint buildings. The centrepiece is St Andrew's Hall. The halls are now used for conferences, weddings, concerts, beer festivals and meetings. The maximum capacity is 1200 people. It is one of the Norwich 12 heritage sites.

Mechanics' institutes


Mechanics' institutes are educational establishments, originally formed to provide adult education, particularly in technical subjects, to working men. Similar organisation are sometimes simply called "institutes". As such, they were often funded by local industrialists on the grounds that they would ultimately benefit from having more knowledgeable and skilled employees . The mechanics' institutes were used as "libraries" for the adult working class, and provided them with an alternative pastime to gambling and drinking in pubs.

Brixham Heritage Museum


Brixham Heritage Museum, also known as Brixham Museum is a museum in the town of Brixham, Devon, England.

Biblioteca de la Universidad de Cambridge


La Biblioteca de la Universidad de Cambridge es la principal biblioteca de la Universidad de Cambridge , fue construida en 1934 por el famoso arquitecto Giles Gilbert Scott. Se compone de cinco bibliotecas independientes: Biblioteca Principal Biblioteca de medicina Biblioteca Betty y Gordon Moore Biblioteca Central de Ciencias Biblioteca de Derecho La biblioteca se encuentra en los edificios históricos de la Universidad, cerca de Senado, y debido a la falta de lugar se construyó una nueva biblioteca. Ahora ubicada al oeste del centro de Cambridge, entre Robinson College y Clare College.

De Morgan Centre


The De Morgan Centre for the Study of 19th Century Art and Society was a gallery in the London Borough of Wandsworth, England, which was home for a few years to the De Morgan Collection – a large collection of the work of the Victorian ceramic artist William De Morgan and his wife, the painter Evelyn De Morgan. William De Morgan's work was inspired by Middle Eastern and particularly Iznik ceramics which created in vivid blue and green glazes. De Morgan is also credited with the rediscovery in Victorian Britain of the art of lustre glazes. Evelyn De Morgan's art is notable for her rich use of colour and her emphasis on strong female protagonists. The De Morgans were involved in the social issues of the day such as women's suffrage, and this engagement was covered by the museum. The De Morgan Collection includes oil paintings, ceramics, drawings and archive material related to the De Morgans and their circle and it was formed by Evelyn De Morgan's sister, Mrs Wilhelmina Stirling, who wrote several books under the name A. M. W. Stirling. Mrs Stirling provided public access to the collection at her home, Old Battersea House, until her death in 1965. In 1967 the De Morgan Foundation, a registered charity, was formed to care for the collection and parts of it were loaned to a number of locations including Cardiff Castle, Cragside in Northumberland and Knightshayes Court in Devon, all of which have interiors from the years when the De Morgans were active. From 2002 the De Morgan Foundation provided public access to the De Morgan Collection in a dedicated gallery named the De Morgan Centre, which was based in the former West Hill Reference Library in Wandsworth, South West London. The building dates from 1887, which was coincidentally the year in which the De Morgan's were married. The West Hill Library closed on 28 September 2007 and latterly, the De Morgan Foundation shared the building with Wandsworth Museum. Both the De Morgan Centre and Wandsworth Museum closed to the public on 28 June 2014 due to the discontinuation of their lease by the building's freeholder Wandsworth Council. Since the closure of the De Morgan Centre, the De Morgan Foundation has moved its office to the Watts Gallery at Compton near Guildford in Surrey and continues to care for and exhibit the De Morgan Collection through a series of loans, exhibitions and tours. More information on the De Morgan Collection and where it can be viewed is available on the De Morgan Foundation's website.