Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Reino Unido

El Reino Unido ,[nota 1]​ oficialmente el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ,[nota 2]​ o de forma abreviada RU es un país soberano e insular ubicado al noroeste de la Europa Continental. Su territorio está formado geográficamente por la isla de Gran Bretaña, el noreste de la isla de Irlanda y pequeñas islas adyacentes. Desde la independencia de la República de Irlanda, Irlanda del Norte ha sido la única parte del país con una frontera terrestre, hasta la inauguración del Eurotúnel que une por tierra a la isla de Gran Bretaña con Francia y las tierras continentales europeas. Gran Bretaña limita al norte y al oeste con el océano Atlántico, al este con el mar del Norte, al sur con el canal de la Mancha y al oeste con el mar de Irlanda. El Reino Unido es un Estado unitario comprendido por cuatro naciones constitutivas: Escocia, Gales, Inglaterra e Irlanda del Norte.[8]​ Es gobernado mediante un sistema parlamentario con sede de gobierno y capitalidad en Londres, pero con tres administraciones nacionales descentralizadas en Edimburgo, Cardiff y Belfast, las capitales de Escocia, Gales e Irlanda del Norte, respectivamente. Es una monarquía parlamentaria, siendo Isabel II la jefa de Estado. Coloquial y erróneamente se denomina Gran Bretaña e Inglaterra, consecuencia del mayor peso de ambos dentro del Estado. Las dependencias de la Corona de las islas del Canal —Jersey y Guernsey— y la Isla de Man no forman parte del Reino Unido, si bien el Gobierno británico es responsable de su defensa y las relaciones internacionales.[9]​ El Reino Unido tiene catorce territorios de ultramar, todos ellos vestigios de lo que fue el Imperio británico, que en su territorio internacional llegó a alcanzar y a abarcar cerca de una quinta parte de la superficie terrestre mundial. Isabel II continúa estando a la cabeza de la Mancomunidad de Naciones y siendo jefe de Estado de cada uno de los Reinos de la Mancomunidad. Es un país desarrollado que por su volumen neto de producto interno bruto es la quinta economía mundial. Fue el primer país industrializado del mundo[10]​ y la principal potencia mundial durante el siglo XIX y el comienzo del siglo XX[11]​ , pero el costo económico de las dos guerras mundiales y el declive de su imperio en la segunda parte del siglo XX disminuyeron su papel en las relaciones internacionales. Sin embargo, aún mantiene una significativa influencia económica, cultural, militar y política, y es una potencia nuclear. Fue miembro de la Unión Europea entre 1973 y 2020.[nota 3]​ Es uno de los cinco miembros permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas con derecho a veto, miembro del G7, el G-20, la OTAN, la OCDE, la UKUSA, la Mancomunidad de Naciones y la Common Travel Area.

Chester Castle


Chester Castle is in the city of Chester, Cheshire, England. It is sited at the southwest extremity of the area bounded by the city walls. The castle stands on an eminence overlooking the River Dee. In the castle complex are the remaining parts of the medieval castle together with the neoclassical buildings designed by Thomas Harrison which were built between 1788 and 1813. Parts of the neoclassical buildings are used today as Crown Courts and as a military museum. The museum and the medieval remains are a tourist attraction.

Chiswick Town Hall


Chiswick Town Hall stands on Heathfield Terrace, Chiswick, London, facing Turnham Green. It is a Grade II listed building.

Christ Church Picture Gallery


Christ Church Picture Gallery is an art museum at Christ Church, one of the colleges of Oxford University in England. The gallery holds an important collection of about 300 Old Master paintings and nearly 2,000 drawings. It is one of the most important private collections in the United Kingdom. The greater part of the collection was bequeathed by a former member of the college, General John Guise, arriving after his death in 1765. Further gifts and bequests were made by W. T. H. Fox-Strangways, Walter Savage Landor, Sir Richard Nosworthy & C.R. Patterson . The Picture Gallery is especially strong on Italian art from the 14th to 18th centuries. The collection includes paintings by Annibale Carracci , Duccio, Fra Angelico, Hugo van der Goes, Giovanni di Paolo, Filippino Lippi , Sano di Pietro, Frans Hals, Salvator Rosa, Tintoretto, Anthony van Dyck and Paolo Veronese, and drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Albrecht Dürer and Peter Paul Rubens and a great range of other artists, especially Italians.The drawings collection is shown by a small exhibition, changing roughly every three months, and sometimes showing works not in the permanent collection, especially those by modern artists. The gallery was designed by Hidalgo Moya and Philip Powell, and built in 1968, enabling the collection to be open to the public for the first time. It is located in the Deanery garden.Professor Joanna Woodall of the Courtauld Institute is a former Assistant Curator of the gallery. The current curator is Jacqueline Thalmann.Late on 14 March 2020, paintings by Van Dyck, Annibale Carracci and Salvator Rosa were stolen from the gallery.

Dudley Museum and Art Gallery


Dudley Museum and Art Gallery was a public museum and art gallery located in the town centre of Dudley in the West Midlands, England. It was opened in 1883, situated within buildings on St James's Road, and remained at that site until its closure in 2016. Some of the museum collections have since been relocated to the Dudley Archives centre on Tipton Road.

Falmouth University


Falmouth University is a specialist University for the creative industries based in Falmouth and Penryn, Cornwall, England. Founded as the Falmouth School of Art in 1902, it has previously been known as Falmouth College of Art and Design and then Falmouth College of Arts before it received degree-awarding powers, and the right to use the title "University College", in March 2005. In April 2008, University College Falmouth merged with Dartington College of Arts, adding a range of performance courses to its portfolio. On 27 November 2012, a communication was released to the staff and students and local press that "University College Falmouth is to be granted full university status in a move that will further its ambition to become one of the top five arts universities in the world." On 9 December 2012, the University College was officially granted full university status by the Privy Council.The university is located in Penryn and Falmouth. Penryn Campus, near the town of Penryn, is the larger of its two campuses, which it operates in partnership with the University of Exeter. Falmouth Campus is in Falmouth town centre.

Fulham Palace


Fulham Palace, in Fulham, London, previously in the former English county of Middlesex, is a Grade I listed building with medieval origins and was formerly the principal residence of the Bishop of London. The site was the country home of the bishops from at least the 11th century until 1973. Though still owned by the Church of England, the palace is managed by the Fulham Palace Trust and houses a museum of its long history as well as restored historic rooms. It also has a large botanic garden and is situated next to Bishops Park. The palace garden is listed Grade II* on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens.The Palace is open daily and is free to visit. According to figures released by the Fulham Palace Trust, over 390,000 people visited Fulham Palace in 2015/2016.

Gloucester Life


Gloucester Life is a museum which is housed in two of the oldest buildings in the City of Gloucester, a Tudor merchant's house and a 17th-century town house. The museum, at 99–103 Westgate Street, is devoted to the social history of Gloucestershire. Bishop Hooper is said to have lodged in the buildings now occupied by the museum the night before he was burned at the stake in front of St Mary de Lode Church in 1555.The Museum was called Gloucester Folk Museum before rebranding itself in 2016.

Godalming Museum


Godalming is a historic market town, civil parish and administrative centre of the Borough of Waverley in Surrey, England, 4 miles SSW of Guildford. The town traverses the banks of the River Wey in the Greensand Ridge – a hilly, heavily wooded part of the outer London commuter belt and Green Belt. In 1881, it became the first place in the world to have a public electricity supply and electric street lighting.Godalming is regarded as an expensive residential town, partly due to its visual appeal, favourable transport links and high proportion of private housing.In 2007 it was voted the fourth best area of the UK in which to live. The borough of Waverley, which includes Godalming, was judged in 2013 to have the highest quality of life in Great Britain, and in 2016 to be the most prosperous place in the UK.Godalming is 30.5 mi southwest of London and shares a three-way twinning arrangement with the towns of Joigny in France and Mayen in Germany. Friendship links are in place with the US state of Georgia and with Moscow. James Oglethorpe of Godalming was the founder of the colony of Georgia.

Gravesham Borough Council


Gravesham Borough Council is the local authority for the Borough of Gravesham in Kent.