Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Reino Unido

El Reino Unido ,[nota 1]​ oficialmente el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ,[nota 2]​ o de forma abreviada RU es un país soberano e insular ubicado al noroeste de la Europa Continental. Su territorio está formado geográficamente por la isla de Gran Bretaña, el noreste de la isla de Irlanda y pequeñas islas adyacentes. Desde la independencia de la República de Irlanda, Irlanda del Norte ha sido la única parte del país con una frontera terrestre, hasta la inauguración del Eurotúnel que une por tierra a la isla de Gran Bretaña con Francia y las tierras continentales europeas. Gran Bretaña limita al norte y al oeste con el océano Atlántico, al este con el mar del Norte, al sur con el canal de la Mancha y al oeste con el mar de Irlanda. El Reino Unido es un Estado unitario comprendido por cuatro naciones constitutivas: Escocia, Gales, Inglaterra e Irlanda del Norte.[8]​ Es gobernado mediante un sistema parlamentario con sede de gobierno y capitalidad en Londres, pero con tres administraciones nacionales descentralizadas en Edimburgo, Cardiff y Belfast, las capitales de Escocia, Gales e Irlanda del Norte, respectivamente. Es una monarquía parlamentaria, siendo Isabel II la jefa de Estado. Coloquial y erróneamente se denomina Gran Bretaña e Inglaterra, consecuencia del mayor peso de ambos dentro del Estado. Las dependencias de la Corona de las islas del Canal —Jersey y Guernsey— y la Isla de Man no forman parte del Reino Unido, si bien el Gobierno británico es responsable de su defensa y las relaciones internacionales.[9]​ El Reino Unido tiene catorce territorios de ultramar, todos ellos vestigios de lo que fue el Imperio británico, que en su territorio internacional llegó a alcanzar y a abarcar cerca de una quinta parte de la superficie terrestre mundial. Isabel II continúa estando a la cabeza de la Mancomunidad de Naciones y siendo jefe de Estado de cada uno de los Reinos de la Mancomunidad. Es un país desarrollado que por su volumen neto de producto interno bruto es la quinta economía mundial. Fue el primer país industrializado del mundo[10]​ y la principal potencia mundial durante el siglo XIX y el comienzo del siglo XX[11]​ , pero el costo económico de las dos guerras mundiales y el declive de su imperio en la segunda parte del siglo XX disminuyeron su papel en las relaciones internacionales. Sin embargo, aún mantiene una significativa influencia económica, cultural, militar y política, y es una potencia nuclear. Fue miembro de la Unión Europea entre 1973 y 2020.[nota 3]​ Es uno de los cinco miembros permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas con derecho a veto, miembro del G7, el G-20, la OTAN, la OCDE, la UKUSA, la Mancomunidad de Naciones y la Common Travel Area.

Carlisle Civic Centre


Carlisle Civic Centre is a municipal building in the Rickergate, Carlisle, England.

Cheshire Military Museum


The Cheshire Military Museum is a military museum in Chester, Cheshire, England.

Chetham's Library


Chetham's Library in Manchester, England, is the oldest free public reference library in the English-speaking world. Chetham's Hospital, which contains both the library and Chetham's School of Music, was established in 1653 under the will of Humphrey Chetham , for the education of "the sons of honest, industrious and painful parents", and a library for the use of scholars. The library has been in continuous use since 1653. It operates as an independent charity, open to readers free of charge, Monday-Friday 09.00-12.30 and 13.30-16.30 by prior appointment. Tours of the Library for visitors are bookable online from 2 September 2019 via the Library website.The library holds more than 100,000 volumes of printed books, of which 60,000 were published before 1851. They include collections of 16th- and 17th-century printed works, periodicals and journals, local history sources, broadsides and ephemera. Chetham's Library is an Accredited Museum under the Arts Council England Accreditation scheme. The whole of its collections are Designated as a collection of national and international importance under the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council Designation scheme, now administered by Arts Council England.Paintings featured as a part of the library's fine arts collection include portraits of William Whitaker, the Reverend John Radcliffe, Robert Thyer, the Reverend Francis Robert Raines, and Elizabeth Leigh. The collection includes An Allegory with Putti and Satyrs, oil on canvas, attributed to sixteenth century artist and Netherlander Vincent Sellaer.One of the most substantial collections pertains to Belle Vue Zoo and Gardens, Manchester's most renowned entertainment attraction and zoological center, in operation from the 1830s to the 1980s. The collection contains thousands of posters, programmes and photographs, as well as the financial and business papers of the owner, John Jennison; large numbers of items in this collection are available in digitised form online. A 2014 grant of £45,000 obtained by Chetham's Library allowed curators to make the collection available to online users, via digitization projects.

Christ's Hospital of Abingdon

Vale of White Horse

Christ's Hospital of Abingdon is a charity with a long history, based in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, , England.

Croft Castle

Battle of Mortimer's Cross

Croft Castle and Parkland is a National Trust property comprising a country house, park, church and garden, in Croft, Herefordshire, England.

Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge


The University of Cambridge Department of Engineering is the largest department at the University of Cambridge and one of the leading centres of engineering in the world. The department's aim is to address the world's most pressing challenges with science and technology. To achieve this aim, the department collaborates with other disciplines, institutions, companies and entrepreneurs and adopts an integrated approach to research and teaching.The main site is situated at Trumpington Street, to the south of the city centre of Cambridge. The department is the primary centre for engineering teaching and research activities in Cambridge. The department is currently headed by Professor Richard Prager.

Derry City Council


Derry City Council was the local government authority for the city of Derry in Northern Ireland. It merged with Strabane District Council in April 2015 under local government reorganisation to become Derry and Strabane District Council. The council provided services to nearly 108,000 people, making it the third-largest of the then 26 district councils in Northern Ireland by population. The council was made up of 30 councillors, elected every four years from five electoral areas and held its meetings in The Guildhall. The mayor for the final 2014–2015 term was Brenda Stevenson of the Social Democratic and Labour Party, with Gary Middleton of the Democratic Unionist Party serving as deputy mayor.

Devon County Hall


Devon County Hall is a municipal building in Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon, England. It is a Grade II* listed building.

Exeter Guildhall


Exeter Guildhall on the High Street of Exeter, Devon, England has been the centre of civic government for the city for at least 600 years. Much of the fabric of the building is medieval, though the elaborate frontage was added in the 1590s and the interior was extensively restored in the 19th century. It is a Grade I listed building.