Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Erewash / Reino Unido

Erewash es un distrito no metropolitano con el estatus de municipio, ubicado en el condado de Derbyshire . Tiene una superficie de 109,63 km². Según el censo de 2001, Erewash estaba habitado por 110 099 personas y su densidad de población era de 1004,28 hab/km².[1]​

Erewash Museum

Erewash / Reino Unido

The Erewash Museum is a museum in the town of Ilkeston, Erewash, in Derbyshire, England. The building that houses the museum is named the Dalby House after one of the families who inhabited it, and has served as a school and a private dwelling. The museum opened in the 1980s, and focuses on the history of the Erewash area, with exhibits covering the Second World War, archaeology, and the Stanton Ironworks.