Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Holywood / Reino Unido

Holywood es una ciudad en el condado de Down en Irlanda del Norte. Se encuentra a orillas del Belfast Lough, entre Belfast y Bangor. Se encuentra cerca del Aeropuerto de la Ciudad de Belfast George Best. La ciudad alberga festivales anuales de jazz y blues. Es conocida también por ser la ciudad natal del jugador de golf norirlandés Rory McIlroy.

Ulster Folk and Transport Museum

Holywood / Reino Unido

The Ulster Folk and Transport Museum is situated in Cultra, Northern Ireland, about 11 kilometres east of the city of Belfast. It comprises two separate museums, the Folk Museum and the Transport Museum. The Folk Museum endeavours to illustrate the way of life and traditions of the people in Northern Ireland, past and present, while the Transport Museum explores and exhibits methods of transport by land, sea and air, past and present. The museum ranks among Ireland's foremost visitor attractions and is a former Irish Museum of the Year. It is one of four museums included in National Museums Northern Ireland.