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Mole Valley / Reino Unido

Mole Valley es un distrito no metropolitano del condado de Surrey . Tiene una superficie de 258,32 km². Según el censo de 2001, Mole Valley estaba habitado por 80 287 personas y su densidad de población era de 310,8 hab/km².[1]​

Polesden Lacey

Mole Valley / Reino Unido

Polesden Lacey is an Edwardian house and estate, located on the North Downs at Great Bookham, near Dorking, Surrey, England. It is owned and run by the National Trust and is one of the Trust's most popular properties. This Regency house was expanded from an earlier building, and extensively remodelled in 1906 by Margaret Greville, a well-known Edwardian hostess. Her collection of fine paintings, furniture, porcelain and silver is displayed in the reception rooms and galleries, as it was at the time of her celebrated house parties. The 1,400-acre estate includes a walled rose garden, lawns, ancient woodland and landscape walks. The future George VI and Queen Elizabeth spent part of their honeymoon here in 1923.