Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Penzance / Reino Unido

Penzance o Pennsans es una localidad portuaria británica localizada en la península de Cornualles de 21.168 habitantes. Es la mayor población de Penwith.

Penlee House

Penzance / Reino Unido

Penlee House is a museum and art gallery located in the town of Penzance in Cornwall, and is home to a great many paintings by members of the Newlyn School, including many by such luminaries as Stanhope Forbes, Norman Garstin, Walter Langley and Lamorna Birch. Penlee House is currently operated by Penzance Town Council in association with Cornwall Council. Its most well-known painting is The Rain it Raineth Every Day by Norman Garstin who lived for many years in Wellington Terrace, on the edge of the park.