Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Rother / Reino Unido

Rother es un distrito no metropolitano del condado de Sussex Oriental . Tiene una superficie de 509,43 km². Según el censo de 2001, Rother estaba habitado por 85 428 personas y su densidad de población era de 167,69 hab/km².[1]​

Bexhill Museum

Rother / Reino Unido

Bexhill Museum is in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex. An independent museum founded in 1914. The museum is run as a registered charity supported by volunteers and two employees.

Rye Castle

Rother / Reino Unido

Rye Castle, also known as Ypres Tower, was built in the 13th or 14th centuries, and is situated in Rye, East Sussex, England. It is a Grade I listed building and has been scheduled as an ancient monument.