Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Woodhorn / Reino Unido

Robert Everard Woodson fue un botánico estadounidense. Fue el menor de dos hermanos. Fue un excelente alumno de sus padres en griego y en latín. Se graduó en Biología en 1929, Universidad de Washington. Woodson fue conservador del Herbario del Missouri Botanical Garden en St. Louis y contribuyó a “North American Flora” de Nathaniel L. Britton con estudios sobre la familia Apocynaceae del volumen 29 .[1]​

Woodhorn (Museum)

Woodhorn / Reino Unido

Woodhorn, part of Museums Northumberland and formerly known as Woodhorn Colliery Museum, is located in Ashington, Northumberland, England. The museum depicts the lives of coal mine workers and features original buildings and equipment from the former colliery, including the two headframes, a winding house, other engine houses, a steam winding engine, stables, a building with ventilation equipment, a blacksmith and joiners shop, and the office. Several buildings contain original equipment and mining exhibits, while others have been converted to museum exhibit areas or wedding, conference and event facilities. In addition to exhibits about the mine and the life of a miner, the museum features a permanent collection of art created by the Ashington Group. There are also changing exhibits of history, art and science.