Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Estados Unidos

Estados Unidos[nota 2]​ ,[nota 3]​ oficialmente los Estados Unidos de América ,[13]​ es un país soberano constituido en una república federal constitucional compuesta por cincuenta estados y un distrito federal. La mayor parte del país se ubica en el medio de América del Norte —donde se encuentran sus 48 estados contiguos y Washington D. C., el distrito federal—, entre los océanos Pacífico y Atlántico, limita con Canadá al norte y con México al sur. El estado de Alaska está en el noroeste del continente, limita con Canadá al este, separado de Rusia al oeste por el estrecho de Bering. El estado de Hawái es un archipiélago polinesio en medio del océano Pacífico, y es el único de sus estados que no se encuentra en América. El país posee en el mar Caribe y en el Pacífico varios territorios no incorporados. Con 9,83 millones de km²,[5]​ y con más de 325 millones de habitantes, el país es el cuarto mayor en área total, el quinto mayor en área contigua y el tercero en población. Es una de las naciones con más diversidad de etnias y culturas, producto de la inmigración a gran escala.[14]​ Es la economía nacional más grande del mundo en términos nominales, con un PIB estimado en 15,7 billones de dólares y una quinta parte del PIB global en paridad de poder adquisitivo.[9]​ El país es la principal fuerza capitalista del planeta, además de ser líder en la investigación científica y la innovación tecnológica desde el siglo XIX y, desde comienzos del siglo XX, el principal país industrial. En PIB PPA, EE. UU. es la segunda economía más grande, por detrás de la China.[15]​ El territorio continental estadounidense estuvo habitando por diversos grupos indígenas durante miles de años. Esta población aborigen fue reducida por las enfermedades y la guerra después del primer contacto con los europeos. Estados Unidos fue fundado por trece colonias británicas, a lo largo de la costa atlántica. El 4 de julio de 1776, emitieron la Declaración de Independencia, que proclamó su derecho a la libre autodeterminación y el establecimiento de una unión cooperativa. Los estados rebeldes derrotaron al Imperio británico en la guerra de independencia, el primer conflicto bélico colonial exitoso de carácter independentista.[16]​ La Constitución de los Estados Unidos fue adoptada el 17 de septiembre de 1787; su ratificación al año siguiente hizo a los estados parte de una sola república con un gobierno central fuerte. La Carta de Derechos, que comprende diez enmiendas constitucionales que garantizan muchos derechos civiles fundamentales y las libertades, fue ratificada en 1791. En el siglo XIX, los Estados Unidos adquirieron territorios de Francia, España, Reino Unido, México, Rusia y Japón, además de anexionarse las repúblicas de Florida, Texas, California y Hawái. En la década de 1860, las disputas entre el sur agrario y conservadurista y el norte industrial y progresista sobre los derechos de los estados y la abolición de la esclavitud provocaron la Guerra de Secesión. La victoria del norte evitó una división permanente del país y condujo al final de la esclavitud legal. Para la década de 1890, la economía nacional era la más grande del mundo[17]​ y la guerra hispano-estadounidense y la Primera Guerra Mundial confirmaron su estatus como una potencia militar. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, surgió como el primer país con armas nucleares y miembro permanente del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas. El final de la Guerra Fría y la disolución de la Unión Soviética la dejaron como la única superpotencia internacional. El país representa dos quintas partes del gasto militar mundial y es una fuerza económica, política y cultural, líder en el mundo.[18]​[19]​

Cabo Ann

Rockport (Massachusetts)

El cabo Ann es una península ubicada al noreste de Boston, Massachusetts en los Estados Unidos, siendo Gloucester y Rockport sus principales localidades. Alberga la bahía de Ipswich, además de los puertos de Annisquam en el norte y de Gloucester en el sur. Este lugar pintoresco y rocoso fue nombrado así en honor a la reina Ana de Dinamarca, esposa de Jacobo I, siendo famoso por sus viejos pueblos pesqueros y colonias de artistas.

Museo y jardín botánico de Cheekwood


El Museo y Jardín Botánico de Cheekwood , es un museo, arboreto y jardín botánico en una finca de propiedad privada de 55 acres . Anteriormente la residencia de la familia Cheek, mansión construida en 1929 de 30,000 pies cuadrados una mansión de estilo georgiano reacondicionada como museo en 1960. Se ubica en el borde occidental de Nashville, Tennessee, Estados Unidos.

Dahesh Museum of Art

Nueva York

The Dahesh Museum of Art is the only museum in the United States devoted to the collection and exhibition of European academic art of the 19th and 20th century. The collection, located in Manhattan, New York City, originated with Lebanese writer, humanist, and philosopher Salim Moussa Achi , whose pen name was Dr. Dahesh. The core of the museum's holdings consists of Dahesh's collection of more than 2,000 academic paintings, which includes many notable Orientalist paintings.The Museum's regular exhibition space closed in 2008, leaving the museum temporarily available only online and in traveling exhibitions. In early 2012, the Museum reopened an office and gift shop in Manhattan's Hudson Square neighborhood, near SoHo. Renovations began in 2015 on the museum's new permanent home at 178 East 64th Street. According to the museum's website, the opening is anticipated in winter 2019-2020.

Georgia Museum of Art

Athens (Georgia)

The Georgia Museum of Art is an art museum in Athens, Georgia, United States, associated with the University of Georgia . The museum is both an academic museum and, since 1982, the official art museum of the state of Georgia. The permanent collection consists of American paintings, primarily 19th- and 20th-century; American, European and Asian works on paper; the Samuel H. Kress Study Collection of Italian Renaissance paintings; growing collections of southern decorative arts and Asian art; and a strong collection of works by African American artists. It numbers more than 12,000 works, growing every year.The Georgia Museum opened on UGA's North Campus in 1948, in a building that now houses the university president's office, then moved to the Performing and Visual Arts Complex on UGA's East Campus in 1996. In 2011, it completed an extensive expansion and remodeling of its building, paid for entirely with externally raised funds and designed by Gluckman Mayner Architects, New York, that has allowed it to display its permanent collection continually. The museum offers programming for patrons of all ages, from child to senior citizen, as well as free admission to the public for all exhibitions. It organizes its own exhibitions in-house, creates traveling exhibitions for other museums and galleries and plays host to traveling exhibitions from around the country and the globe. The museum strives, most of all, to fulfill the legacy of its founder, Alfred Heber Holbrook, and provide art for everyone, removing barriers to accessibility and seeking to foster an open, educational and inspiring environment for students, scholars and the general public. The foundation of the museum's collection, the Eva Underhill Holbrook Memorial Collection of American Art, a collection of 100 American paintings, was donated to UGA in 1945 by Holbrook in memory of his first wife. Included in this collection are works by such luminaries as Frank Weston Benson, William Merritt Chase, Stuart Davis, Arthur Dove, Georgia O’Keeffe, Childe Hassam, Winslow Homer, Jacob Lawrence, and Theodore Robinson.

Gibbes Museum of Art

Charleston (Carolina del Sur)

The Gibbes Museum of Art, formerly known as the Gibbes Art Gallery, is an art museum in Charleston, South Carolina. Established as the Carolina Art Association in 1858, the museum moved into a new Beaux Arts building at 135 Meeting Street, in the Charleston Historic District, in 1905. The Gibbes houses a premier collection of over 10,000 works of fine art, principally American works, many with a connection to Charleston or the South. The benefactor, James Shoolbred Gibbes, donated $100,000 to the Carolina Arts Association upon his death in 1899 for the "erection of a suitable building for the exhibitions of paintings." Receipt of the money by the city, however, was delayed by a will contest filed by nieces and nephews of Gibbes. Their case was heard in the state court of New York during 1900 and 1901. On December 6, 1901, the New York Supreme Court issued an opinion declaring that the gift to Charleston was valid. Receiving the money in 1903, the Association hired Frank Pierce Milburn to design the gallery. His design included a Tiffany-style dome, Doric columns and pediment capped windows and doors. Milburn completed the drawings of the building in mid-1903, and a drawing of the proposed building appeared in the Charleston Evening Post on June 5, 1903. Notices were published seeking contractors' bids for the work starting in August 1903. In September 1903, H.T. Zacharias was selected as the contractor and received a contract for $73,370 for the building. Zacharias started work on September 28, 1903, removing the remains of the South Carolina Agricultural Hall which had occupied the lot. Although work on the foundations had begun already, a ceremony was held on December 8, 1903, to lay the cornerstone of the building at the northeast corner.The museum formally opened on April 11, 1905. The collection on display on the opening day included more than 300 pictures, many bronzes, and about 200 miniatures in addition to an "instructive collection" of Japanese prints. After closing for an extensive two-year, $13.5 million renovation, the museum reopened to the public on May 28, 2016. In renovating the museum, the development teams took inspiration from the original blueprints discovered in the City of Charleston archives in 2008 to return the building to its 1905 Beaux Arts style layout. The renovation of the first floor features a creative education center that engages the public through classrooms, artist studios, lecture and event spaces, a café and a museum store. The rear reception area opens to the garden, part of Charleston’s historic Gateway Walk founded by the Garden Club of Charleston. Serving as a creative gathering place for the community, the entire ground floor of the museum is admission-free. The newly expanded and renovated galleries on the second and third floors provide a 30 percent increase in gallery space to showcase more than 600 works of art from the permanent collection. State-of-the-art storage facilities feature a closely connected research room to provide ample space for scholars to more easily access and study works from the collection. Observation windows offer visitors a behind-the-scenes view of the work of curators and conservators. The Gibbes’ renowned collection of more than 300 miniature portraits are housed in innovative display cases and open storage cabinetry to allow an up-close view for visitors. The museum's collections include the work of numerous artists with connections to Charleston; among them are Henrietta Johnston, Mary Roberts, Charles Fraser, William Melton Halsey, Ned I.R. Jennings, and Jeremiah Theus. The museum also has photographs by George LaGrange Cook.

Heckscher Museum of Art

Huntington (Nueva York)

The Heckscher Museum of Art is named after its benefactor, August Heckscher, who in 1920 donated 185 works of art to be housed in a new Beaux-Arts building located in Heckscher Park, in Huntington, New York. Today the museum has over 2000 works of art, focused mainly on American landscape paintings and work by Long Island artists, as well as featuring American and European modernism, and photography. The most famous painting in the collection is George Grosz’s “Eclipse of the Sun” .

Hill-Stead Museum

Farmington (Connecticut)

El Museo de Hill-Stead en inglés: Hill-Stead Museum, también conocido como Hill-Stead, es una casa y museo de bellas artes de estilo Colonial Revival con 0,61 km² de terrenos en los que se incluyen diversos jardines en Farmington, Connecticut. El "Hill-Stead Museum" se encuentra enlistado en el National Register of Historic Places. Es bien conocido por su arquitectura, majestuosos jardines y las obras maestras de pintores impresionistas franceses que alberga.

Laguna Art Museum

Laguna Beach (California)

The Laguna Art Museum is a museum located in Laguna Beach, California, on Pacific Coast Highway. LAM exclusively features California art and is the oldest cultural institution in the area. It has been known as the Laguna Beach Art Association, as well as the Laguna Beach Museum of Art.

New Bedford Whaling Museum

New Bedford (Massachusetts)

The New Bedford Whaling Museum is a museum in New Bedford, Massachusetts, United States that focuses on the history, science, art, and culture of the international whaling industry, and the "Old Dartmouth" region in the South Coast of Massachusetts. The museum is governed by the Old Dartmouth Historical Society , which was established in 1903 "to create and foster an interest in the history of Old Dartmouth." Since then, the museum has expanded its scope to include programming that addresses global issues "including the consequences of natural resource exhaustion, the diversification of industry, and tolerance in a multicultural society." Its collections include over 750,000 items, including 3,000 pieces of scrimshaw and 2,500 logbooks from whaling ships, both of which are the largest collections in the world, as well as five complete whale skeletons. The museum's complex consists of several contiguous buildings housing 20 exhibit galleries and occupying an entire city block within the New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park, although operated independently.The museum also houses a collection of fine art, including works by major American artists who lived or worked in the New Bedford area, such as Albert Bierstadt, William Bradford, and Albert Pinkham Ryder, as well as a collection of locally produced decorative art, glassware, and furniture associated with the rise of New Bedford as a whaling port in the 19th century. The museum's Bourne Building houses the Lagoda, a half-scale model of a whaling ship that was commissioned in 1916 and is the world's largest model whaling ship.