Búsqueda de museos y pinturas

Estados Unidos

Estados Unidos[nota 2]​ ,[nota 3]​ oficialmente los Estados Unidos de América ,[13]​ es un país soberano constituido en una república federal constitucional compuesta por cincuenta estados y un distrito federal. La mayor parte del país se ubica en el medio de América del Norte —donde se encuentran sus 48 estados contiguos y Washington D. C., el distrito federal—, entre los océanos Pacífico y Atlántico, limita con Canadá al norte y con México al sur. El estado de Alaska está en el noroeste del continente, limita con Canadá al este, separado de Rusia al oeste por el estrecho de Bering. El estado de Hawái es un archipiélago polinesio en medio del océano Pacífico, y es el único de sus estados que no se encuentra en América. El país posee en el mar Caribe y en el Pacífico varios territorios no incorporados. Con 9,83 millones de km²,[5]​ y con más de 325 millones de habitantes, el país es el cuarto mayor en área total, el quinto mayor en área contigua y el tercero en población. Es una de las naciones con más diversidad de etnias y culturas, producto de la inmigración a gran escala.[14]​ Es la economía nacional más grande del mundo en términos nominales, con un PIB estimado en 15,7 billones de dólares y una quinta parte del PIB global en paridad de poder adquisitivo.[9]​ El país es la principal fuerza capitalista del planeta, además de ser líder en la investigación científica y la innovación tecnológica desde el siglo XIX y, desde comienzos del siglo XX, el principal país industrial. En PIB PPA, EE. UU. es la segunda economía más grande, por detrás de la China.[15]​ El territorio continental estadounidense estuvo habitando por diversos grupos indígenas durante miles de años. Esta población aborigen fue reducida por las enfermedades y la guerra después del primer contacto con los europeos. Estados Unidos fue fundado por trece colonias británicas, a lo largo de la costa atlántica. El 4 de julio de 1776, emitieron la Declaración de Independencia, que proclamó su derecho a la libre autodeterminación y el establecimiento de una unión cooperativa. Los estados rebeldes derrotaron al Imperio británico en la guerra de independencia, el primer conflicto bélico colonial exitoso de carácter independentista.[16]​ La Constitución de los Estados Unidos fue adoptada el 17 de septiembre de 1787; su ratificación al año siguiente hizo a los estados parte de una sola república con un gobierno central fuerte. La Carta de Derechos, que comprende diez enmiendas constitucionales que garantizan muchos derechos civiles fundamentales y las libertades, fue ratificada en 1791. En el siglo XIX, los Estados Unidos adquirieron territorios de Francia, España, Reino Unido, México, Rusia y Japón, además de anexionarse las repúblicas de Florida, Texas, California y Hawái. En la década de 1860, las disputas entre el sur agrario y conservadurista y el norte industrial y progresista sobre los derechos de los estados y la abolición de la esclavitud provocaron la Guerra de Secesión. La victoria del norte evitó una división permanente del país y condujo al final de la esclavitud legal. Para la década de 1890, la economía nacional era la más grande del mundo[17]​ y la guerra hispano-estadounidense y la Primera Guerra Mundial confirmaron su estatus como una potencia militar. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, surgió como el primer país con armas nucleares y miembro permanente del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas. El final de la Guerra Fría y la disolución de la Unión Soviética la dejaron como la única superpotencia internacional. El país representa dos quintas partes del gasto militar mundial y es una fuerza económica, política y cultural, líder en el mundo.[18]​[19]​

MIT Museum

Cambridge (Massachusetts)

The MIT Museum, founded in 1971, is located at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It hosts collections of holography, technology-related artworks, artificial intelligence, robotics, maritime history, and the history of MIT. Its holography collection of 1800 pieces is the largest in the world, though not all of it is exhibited. As of 2019, holographic art, and works by the kinetic artist Arthur Ganson are the two largest long-running displays. There is a regular program of temporary special exhibitions, often on the intersections of art and technology. In addition to serving the MIT community, the museum offers numerous outreach programs to school-age children and adults in the public at large. The widely attended annual Cambridge Science Festival was originated by and continues to be coordinated by the museum. A major expansion program is underway, with expected relocation to a new building in the Kendall Square innovation district in late 2021.

Mitchell Museum of the American Indian

Evanston (Illinois)

The Mitchell Museum of the American Indian is a museum in Evanston, Illinois that focuses exclusively on the history, culture and arts of North American native peoples. It is a Core Member of the Chicago Cultural Alliance, a consortium of 25 ethnic museums and cultural centres in Chicago. The Museum's collections range from the Paleo-Indian period through the present day. Permanent exhibitions depict the Native American cultures of the Woodlands, Plains, Southwest, Northwest Coast and Arctic. Two temporary exhibit galleries have special thematic shows that change two times a year.

National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum

Oklahoma City

The National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum is a museum in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, with more than 28,000 Western and American Indian art works and artifacts. The facility also has the world's most extensive collection of American rodeo photographs, barbed wire, saddlery, and early rodeo trophies. Museum collections focus on preserving and interpreting the heritage of the American West. The museum becomes an art gallery during the annual Prix de West Invitational Art Exhibition and Sale each June. The Prix de West Artists sell original works of art as a fund raiser for the Museum. The expansion and renovation was designed by Curtis W. Fentress, FAIA, RIBA of Fentress Architects.

Phoenix Art Museum


The Phoenix Art Museum is the largest museum for visual art in the southwest United States. Located in Phoenix, Arizona, the museum is 285,000 square feet . It displays international exhibitions alongside its comprehensive collection of more than 18,000 works of American, Asian, European, Latin American, Western American, modern and contemporary art, and fashion design. A community center since 1959, it hosts festivals, live performances, independent art films and educational programs year-round. It also features The Hub: The James K. Ballinger Interactive Gallery, an interactive space for children; photography exhibitions through the museum's partnership with the Center for Creative Photography; the landscaped Sculpture Garden; dining and shopping. It has been designated a Phoenix Point of Pride.

SCAD Museum of Art


The SCAD Museum of Art was founded in 2002 as part of the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Georgia, and originally was known as the Earle W. Newton Center for British American Studies. The museum's permanent collection of more than 4,500 pieces includes works of haute couture, drawings, painting, sculpture, photography, prints and more. The SCAD Museum of Art is a teaching museum, serving Savannah College of Art and Design students and as well as members of the community and other visitors. A focal point is the Walter O. Evans Center for African American Studies, a multidisciplinary center for the study, understanding and appreciation of African American culture, art and literature. It is complemented by the new André Leon Talley Gallery, named for the Vogue contributing editor and SCAD Board of Trustees member. On Oct. 29, 2011, the SCAD museum opened its doors to a new era, unveiling the most extensive rehabilitation project the university has undertaken since its inception. The revitalized museum features new galleries and classrooms, a 250-seat theater, a terrace and outdoor projection screen, a conservation studio, a museum café, as well as a 12-foot-long orientation touch table. An 86-foot-tall steel and glass lantern welcomes visitors and elegantly redefines the Savannah city skyline.

St. Louis Mercantile Library

Bel-Nor (Misuri)

The St. Louis Mercantile Library, founded in 1846 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri, was originally established as a membership library, and is the oldest extant library west of the Mississippi River. Since 1998 the library has been housed at the University of Missouri-St. Louis as a Special Collections library within the Thomas Jefferson Library. The majority of library materials can be assigned to one of four categories: the General Collection, the John W. Barriger Railroad Library, the Herman T. Pott National Inland Waterways Library, or the Art Museum. The collections of the St. Louis Mercantile Library have been named a City Landmark by the city of St. Louis, Mo., due to the cultural significance of the library.

Partenón (Nashville)


El Partenón de Nashville, Tennessee, es una réplica a escala real del Partenón de Atenas. Se construyó en 1897 como parte de la Exposición del Centenario de Tennessee, en la cual se celebraba el centenario de la unión de este Estado a los Estados Unidos.

University of Michigan Museum of Art

Ann Arbor

The University of Michigan Museum of Art in Ann Arbor, Michigan with 94,000 sq ft is one of the largest university art museums in the United States. Built as a war memorial in 1909 for the university's fallen alumni from the Civil War, Alumni Memorial Hall originally housed U-M's Alumni office along with the university's growing art collection. Its first director was Jean Paul Slusser, who served from 1946 to his retirement in 1957.UMMA contains a comprehensive collection that represents more than 150 years at the university, with over 20,000 works of art that span cultures, eras, and media. Admission is free, but a $10 donation is suggested.In the spring of 2009, the museum reopened after a major $41.9 million expansion and renovation designed by Brad Cloepfil and Allied Works Architecture, which more than doubled the size of the museum. The museum comprises the renovated Alumni Memorial Hall with 41,000 sq ft and the new 53,000 sq ft Maxine and Stuart Frankel and the Frankel Family Wing. The museum's current director is Christina Olsen, who was appointed in 2017.

Washington County Museum of Fine Arts

Hagerstown (Maryland)

Washington County Museum of Fine Arts is an art museum located in Hagerstown, Maryland, United States. The building is located off Park Circle and serves as a centerpiece in Hagerstown City Park. The museum was donated in 1929, by Mr. and Mrs. William Singer, Jr. It was completed in 1931, and two wings were added in 1949. The museum provides residents and visitors with access to a nationally recognized permanent collection and a rotating schedule of exhibitions, musical concerts, lectures, films, art classes and special events for children and adults throughout the year. The collections include 19th & early 20th Century American Art, Old Masters, and Decorative art.Washington County Museum of Fine Arts has no entrance fee, and relies on public and private donations. The museum is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums .