Recherche de Musées et Peintures

Prato / Italie

Prato est une ville de la province du même nom en Toscane. C'est une ville qui vit essentiellement de ses activités de production du textile et de son commerce, située à une vingtaine de kilomètres au nord de Florence.

Cathédrale de Prato

Prato / Italie

La cathédrale de Prato est le Duomo de la ville de Prato dans le nord de la Toscane, en Italie.

Palazzo Pretorio, Prato

Prato / Italie

The Palazzo Pretorio is a historical building in Prato, Tuscany, italy. It was the old city hall, standing in front of the current Palazzo Comunale. It now accommodates the Civic Museum of Prato, which was reopened on September 2013.

Prato Cathedral Museum

Prato / Italie

The Cathedral museum of Prato, Italy was founded in 1967 in a few rooms of the Bishop's residence and in 1976 grew to include items from both the Cathedral of Saint Stephen and the diocesan territory.

Église Santa Maria delle Carceri de Prato

Prato / Italie

Santa Maria delle Carceri est une église basilique conçue par Giuliano da Sangallo et construite à Prato en Toscane. Elle figure parmi les plus anciens exemples d’utilisation du plan en croix grecque pour une église d'architecture Renaissance .

Cassa di Risparmio di Prato

Prato / Italie

Cassa di Risparmio di Prato S.p.A. or known as Cariprato or C.R. Prato, is a former Italian saving bank based in Prato, Tuscany. It was acquired by Banca Popolare di Vicenza in 2003. In 2010 it was completely absorbed by the parent company as its own branded branches.The former owner of the bank, Fondazione Cariprato, as of 31 December 2013, still owned 0.5% shares of BPVi. However, in January 2015 the foundation also announced that they would diversify their investments by decrease the shares holding on one company.