Recherche de Musées et Peintures

Trondheim / Norvège

Trondheim /ˈtrɔnhæjm/ , autrefois Nidaros , est une ville norvégienne située dans la fylke de Trøndelag, dont elle constitue le centre administratif. Elle comptait 198 219 habitants au 1er octobre 2019 pour une superficie de 342 km2. Trondheim, géographiquement située au milieu du pays, est la troisième ville de Norvège après Oslo et Bergen. Elle accueille une importante université, l'université norvégienne de sciences et de technologie. Le journal local, l'Adresseavisen, fondé en 1767, est le plus ancien quotidien de Norvège encore en activité.

Trondheim Art Museum

Trondheim / Norvège

The Trondheim Art Museum is an art museum located in Trondheim in Sør-Trøndelag county, Norway. The museum shows temporary exhibitions of international and regional art in dialogue with works from the museum's collection. The museum possesses Norway's third largest public art collection with an emphasis on art since 1850. The permanent collection contains iconic works such as Harald Sohlberg's Natt , Georg Jacobsen's Haren , and Peder Balke's Nordkapp . The Trondheim Art Museum has two venues, TKM Bispegata situated near the Nidaros Cathedral and TKM Gråmølna at Nedre Elvehavn. The main building in Bispegata 7 b was built in 1930 according to plans by architect Peter Daniel Hofflund. The Trondheim Art Museum was established in 1997, as a means to maintain the museum collection. The building has two floors with rooms of varied sizes and light. The building was refurbished in 2012, when artificial lights were installed to provide more stable temperature and lighting. Much of the interior was restored to its original state from 1930.