Recherche de Musées et Peintures

Iekaterinbourg / Russie

Iekaterinbourg ou Ekaterinbourg est une ville de Russie, en Sibérie occidentale. Arrosée par l’Isset, un affluent de la Tobol, elle est la capitale administrative de l'oblast de Sverdlovsk, dans l'Oural. À l'époque soviétique, elle s'appelait Sverdlovsk . Avec une population de 1 444 439 habitants en 2016, elle est la quatrième ville de Russie, derrière Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg et Novossibirsk. C'est le principal centre culturel et industriel de l'oblast.

Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts

Iekaterinbourg / Russie

The Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, established in 1986, is the largest art museum of the Urals region of Russia. It is based in Voevodina Street on the banks of the Iset River in the city of Yekaterinburg . At the heart of the museum building is one of the oldest buildings in Yekaterinburg, a hospital built in 1730 for the Yekaterinburg Ironworks. The building was modified several times during the 19th century. In the 1970s, most of the buildings of the former ironworks were demolished and the Historical Square laid out in their place. At the end of the 1970s, the idea of converting the remainder into a museum space was suggested. The project was completed in 1986.