Recherche de Musées et Peintures

Oxford / Royaume-Uni

Oxford est une ville britannique située à 90 km au nord-ouest de Londres. Elle est le centre administratif du comté de l'Oxfordshire dans l'Angleterre du Sud-Est, et en tant que ville régionale dessert une arrière pays s'étendant aux Cotswolds. La célèbre université d'Oxford, la plus ancienne université du monde anglo-saxon, y est basée. En 2015, on dénombrait environ 159 600 habitants, dont plus de 32 000 étudiants. Les habitants d'Oxford sont appelés les Oxoniens . La rivière Cherwell et la Tamise passent par Oxford, au sud du centre-ville. Sur une distance d'environ 16 km dans les environs d'Oxford, la Tamise y est appelée l'Isis. Les bâtiments d'Oxford sont un exemple de toutes les périodes de l'architecture de l'Angleterre, depuis l'arrivée des Anglo-Saxons jusqu'à l'époque actuelle. Elle est surnommée « the city of dreaming spires » , expression inventée par le poète Matthew Arnold pour décrire l'architecture harmonieuse des bâtiments de l'université d'Oxford. Oxford dispose d'une activité économique variée, comprenant la construction de voitures , l'éducation, l'édition et de nombreuses entreprises informatiques et savantes.

Musée d'histoire naturelle de l'université d'Oxford

Oxford / Royaume-Uni

Le musée d'histoire naturelle de l'université d'Oxford, parfois appelé simplement le musée de l'Université d'Oxford, est un musée d'histoire naturelle présentant de nombreuses collections de sciences naturelles, situé dans la plus ancienne université anglaise, l'Université d'Oxford, en Angleterre. La construction d'un bâtiment regroupant toutes les collections fut initiée en 1855 par Henry Acland avec le soutien financier et intellectuel de son ami John Ruskin.

Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory (Oxford)

Oxford / Royaume-Uni

The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory is a major chemistry laboratory at the University of Oxford, England. It is located in the main Science Area of the university on South Parks Road. Previously it was known as the Physical Chemistry Laboratory.

St Cross College, Oxford

Oxford / Royaume-Uni

St Cross College est l'un des collèges de l'Université d'Oxford. Il s'agit d'un collège uniquement réservé aux étudiants ayant complété un premier cycle d'études universitaires. Le bâtiment principal du collège se situe sur St Gilles, près de Pusey Street.

Oxford University Department for Continuing Education

Oxford / Royaume-Uni

Oxford University Department for Continuing Education is a department within the University of Oxford that provides continuing education mainly for part-time and mature students. It is located at Rewley House, Wellington Square, Oxford, England. Some 15,000 students comprise the department, of which roughly 5,000 study for an Oxford University award or credit-bearing course. Other types of course offered by the department include online courses, short courses, weekly classes, day and weekend courses and summer schools.

Green Templeton College

Oxford / Royaume-Uni

Le Green Templeton College est l'un des collèges constitutifs de l'université d'Oxford, au Royaume-Uni. Il a la particularité de n'accueillir que des étudiants déjà diplômés. L'établissement englobe un célèbre monument architectural du XVIIIe siècle : l'observatoire Radcliffe, inspiré de la tour des Vents d'Athènes.

Linacre College, Oxford

Oxford / Royaume-Uni

Linacre College is a constituent college of the University of Oxford in the UK whose members comprise approximately 50 fellows and 500 postgraduate students. The college is named after Thomas Linacre , founder of the Royal College of Physicians as well as a distinguished renaissance humanist—multidisciplinary interests that the college aims to reflect. It is located on St Cross Road at its junction with South Parks Road, next to the University Parks and opposite the Tinbergen Building. Linacre is a diverse college in terms of both the international composition of its members , as well as the disciplines studied. Linacre was the first graduate college in the UK for both sexes and all subjects. This egalitarian spirit is reflected by a lack of formal separation between fellows and students. The college also has a strong environmental and ethical ethos. It was the first carbon-neutral college as well as the first college in Oxford to achieve Fairtrade status.

St Antony's College (Oxford)

Oxford / Royaume-Uni

St Antony's College est l'un des collèges constitutifs de l'université d'Oxford en Angleterre. Fondé en 1950, grâce au legs du marchand français Antonin Besse, St Antony's est spécialisé dans l'étude des relations internationales, l'économie, et la politique. Le collège est devenu mixte en 1962. Le collège est situé dans le nord d'Oxford, encadré par Woodstock Road, à l'ouest, Bevington Route au sud et Winchester Road à l'est.

Department of Social Policy and Intervention

Oxford / Royaume-Uni

The Department of Social Policy and Intervention is a leading interdisciplinary centre for research and teaching in social policy and the systematic evaluation of social intervention based in the Social Sciences Division of the University of Oxford. It dates back to ‘Barnett House’, a social reform initiative founded in 1914 and became a department of University of Oxford in 1961. The Department hosts two main research units: the Oxford Institute of Social Policy and the Centre for Evidence-Based Social Intervention . Since October 2017 Professor Bernhard Ebbinghaus is Head of Department.

Bate Collection of Musical Instruments

Oxford / Royaume-Uni

The Bate Collection of Musical Instruments is a collection of historic musical instruments, mainly for Western classical music, from the Middle Ages onwards. It is housed in Oxford University's Faculty of Music near Christ Church on St. Aldate's. The collection is open to the public and is available for academic study by appointment. The current curator is Andy Lamb, a former NCO who served in the Royal Artillery and was a trumpeter in their Junior Leaders band during his training as a Boy Soldier. There are frequent gallery events and special exhibitions. More than a thousand instruments by important English, French and German makers, are on display, showing the musical and mechanical development of wind and percussion instruments from the Renaissance to the current day.The collection is named after Philip Bate who gave his collection of musical instruments to the University of Oxford in 1968, on the condition that it was used for teaching and was provided with a specialist curator to care for and lecture on it. The collection also houses an archive of his papers. The Bate Collection is additionally the home of the Reginald Morley-Pegge Memorial Collection of Horns and other Brass and Woodwind Instruments; the Anthony Baines Collection; the Edgar Hunt Collection of Recorders and other instruments; the Jean Henry Collection, the Taphouse Keyboard Loans; the Roger Warner Keyboard Collection; the Michael Thomas Keyboard Collection; a number of instruments from the Jeremy Montagu Collection; a complete workshop of the English bow-maker William C Retford, as well as a small collection of Bows formed in his memory, the Wally Horwood Collection of books and recordings, and other instruments acquired by purchase and gift. An album, 'Voices From The Past, Vol. 2: Instruments of The Bate Collection' was released in 2015.