Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Wolverhampton / Royaume-Uni
Wolverhampton Art Gallery is located in the City of Wolverhampton, in the West Midlands, United Kingdom. The building was funded and constructed by local contractor Philip Horsman , and built on land provided by the Council. It opened in May 1884.
Sur l Trent
Henry Thomas Dawson
Visite virtuelle 3D Acheter
Viseu , Portugal
Tristram Paul Hillier
Explosion Fours nuit
Edwin Butler Bayliss
Dans les prés de Canterbury
Thomas Sidney Cooper
nature morte fleurs et fruits
Edwin Steele
cottage à dulwich Communs , une journée venteuse
David Cox The Elder
Montagne et Inondations , sgurr nan gillean , Skye
Charles Edward Johnson
La galerie objets
John Leigh Pemberton
Henrie Pitcher
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