Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Wolverhampton / Royaume-Uni
Wolverhampton Art Gallery is located in the City of Wolverhampton, in the West Midlands, United Kingdom. The building was funded and constructed by local contractor Philip Horsman , and built on land provided by the Council. It opened in May 1884.
laissant église Bretagne
Frederick Goodall
Visite virtuelle 3D Acheter
plas mawr , Conway , dans le Vieux Jours
Samuel Lawson Booth
Bridgnorth , Shropshire
George Phoenix
Croquis pour 'Deer Harcèlement dans le Highlands'
Edwin Henry Landseer
the cheap jack
William Henry Fisk
portrait d'un woman étudier
William Herbert Allen
jusqu'à butter
Kevin Sinnott
La ronde étang
Ernest Borough Johnson
solitude de montagne , une scène sur l Conway
George Arthur Hickin
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