Recherche de Musées et Peintures


Les États-Unis, en forme longue les États-Unis d'Amérique, ou EUA , sont un pays transcontinental dont la majorité du territoire se situe en Amérique du Nord. Les États-Unis ont la structure politique d'une République constitutionnelle et fédérale à Régime présidentiel, ils sont composée de cinquante États, dont quarante-huit sont adjacents et forment le Mainland. Celui-ci est encadré par l'océan Atlantique à l'est, le golfe du Mexique au sud-est et l'océan Pacifique à l'ouest, et se trouve bordé au nord par le Canada et au sud-ouest par le Mexique. Les deux États non limitrophes sont l'Alaska, situé au nord-ouest du Canada, et Hawaï, un archipel situé au milieu de l'océan Pacifique-nord. De plus, le pays comprend quatorze territoires insulaires disséminés dans la mer des Caraïbes et le Pacifique. La géographie et le climat du pays sont extrêmement diversifiés, abritant une grande variété de faune et de flore, faisant des États-Unis l'un des 17 pays mégadivers de la planète. La capitale fédérale, Washington, est située dans le district de Columbia, une zone située hors des cinquante États. La monnaie est le dollar américain. Le drapeau se compose de treize bandes rouges et blanches ainsi que cinquante étoiles représentant les cinquante États fédérés de l'union. L'hymne national s'intitule The Star-Spangled Banner . Il n'y a pas de langue officielle aux États-Unis, bien que la langue nationale de facto soit l'anglais américain. Avant d'être exploré et conquis par les Européens, le territoire américain est d'abord occupé par les Amérindiens qui migrent depuis l'Eurasie il y a environ 15 000 ans. La colonisation européenne débute au XVIe siècle. Le 14 mai 1607, la colonie anglaise de Virginie est fondée ; par la suite, douze autres colonies britanniques sont fondées le long de la côte Atlantique, tandis que d'autres puissances européennes explorent le reste du territoire américain. Une série de conflits entre les Treize Colonies et la Grande-Bretagne mènent à la guerre d'indépendance en 1775. La déclaration d'indépendance est proclamée le 4 juillet 1776, dans laquelle les treize colonies se fédèrent pour former les États-Unis d'Amérique, la première nation décolonisée du monde,, reconnue par la Grande-Bretagne à la fin de la guerre en 1783. L'histoire contemporaine des États-Unis est marquée par la rivalité entre New York et Philadelphie, puis par la conquête de l'Ouest et la guerre de Sécession. Au début du XXe siècle, le pays devient une puissance industrielle qui a les moyens d'intervenir à l'extérieur de ses frontières. Il participe à la Première Guerre mondiale et subit la Grande Dépression dans les années 1930. Vainqueurs de la Seconde Guerre mondiale aux côtés des Alliés, les États-Unis deviennent une superpuissance mondiale et sont confrontés à l'URSS pendant la guerre froide. En 2019, les États-Unis comptent environ 328 millions d'habitants et constituent le troisième pays du monde au regard de la population après la Chine et l'Inde. Le pays s'étend sur 9,6 millions de km2, ce qui en fait, selon les critères, le troisième ou quatrième pays du monde en superficie après la Russie, le Canada et la Chine. La population américaine augmente grâce à un solde naturel et un solde migratoire positifs. Elle est marquée par une grande diversité ethnique en raison d'une immigration ancienne et diversifiée. L'économie nationale de type capitaliste est la plus importante au monde avec le PIB le plus élevé en 2015,, et est alimentée par une productivité du travail élevée. Les secteurs qui reflètent la puissance américaine sont l'agriculture, les industries de pointe et les services. L'économie américaine est aussi l'une des plus grandes manufacturières du monde. Le pays compte 37 % de la dépense militaire mondiale, et est une proéminente force politique et culturelle et un leader mondial dans la recherche scientifique et l'innovation technologique,,,,. Les États-Unis sont membres de l'Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord , de la Coopération économique pour l'Asie-Pacifique , de l'Accord de libre-échange nord-américain , de l'Organisation des États américains , de l'ANZUS, de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques , du G7, du G20, et membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies. Ils sont une puissance nucléaire depuis 1945.

Terra Foundation for American Art


The Terra Foundation for American Art is a privately operated nonprofit organization dedicated to the support of American art exhibitions, projects, academic research, and publications worldwide. Its goal is to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the cultural and artistic heritage of the United States through the acquisition, study, and display of works of American art. The Foundation is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.

Newark Public Library

Newark (New Jersey)

The Newark Public Library is a public library system in Newark, New Jersey. The library offers numerous programs and events to its diverse population. With eight different locations, the Newark Public Library serves as a Statewide Reference Center. The Newark Public Library is the public library system for the city of Newark, Essex County, New Jersey, United States. Currently, the library boasts an enormous collection of both art and literature, art and history exhibits, a variety of programs for all ages, and much more.

Art Complex Museum

Duxbury, Massachusetts

The Art Complex Museum, located in the historic town of Duxbury, Massachusetts, 33 miles south of Boston, serves as a regional arts center and houses the impressive collection of the Carl A. Weyerhaeuser family. Situated on over 13 acres of woodland and open fields, the handicapped accessible museum opened in 1971. In addition to a gallery for rotating objects from the permanent collection, and exhibitions spaces that feature painting, sculpture, prints and craft objects created by contemporary artists, the museum houses the Carl A. Weyerhaeuser Reference Library of over 7,000 publications. Located on the grounds is a Japanese tea hut, part of the museum's Asian collection, which is used during tea ceremony presentations. The museum offers a year-round schedule of exhibitions, lectures, concerts, classes, education programs, demonstrations, and tea ceremonies fulfilling the founders' vision that their family's many interests be shared with the community as the Weyerhaeuser family envisioned.

Seattle Art Museum


Le Seattle Art Museum est un musée d'art situé à Seattle dans l'État de Washington aux États-Unis. Il est implanté à trois emplacements soit; au centre-ville de Seattle ouvert en 1991, Seattle Asian Art Museum , un bâtiment construit en style art déco dans le Volunteer Park, ouvert en 1933 et finalement le Olympic Sculpture Park ouvert en 2007.

Musée d'Art Blanton

Austin (Texas)

Le musée d'art Blanton est un musée et un centre de recherche faisant partie de l'université du Texas à Austin. Il s'agit du plus grand musée d'art universitaire du pays. Il fut fondé en 1963 sous le nom de University Art Museum avant d'être renommé Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery en 1980. En avril 2006, le musée ouvrit un nouveau bâtiment de 14 000 sur le campus baptisé Blanton Museum of Art, grâce à une dotation de 12 millions de dollars.

C. M. Russell Museum Complex

Great Falls

C. M. Russell Museum Complex is an art museum located in the city of Great Falls, Montana, in the United States. The museum's primary function is to display the artwork of Great Falls "cowboy artist" Charles Marion Russell, for whom the museum is named. The museum also displays illustrated letters by Russell, work materials used by him, and other items which help visitors understand the life and working habits of Russell. In addition, the museum displays original 19th, 20th, and 21st century art depicting the American Old West and the flora, fauna, and landscapes of the American West. In 2009, the Wall Street Journal called the institution "one of America's premier Western art museums." Located on the museum property is Russell's log cabin studio, as well as his two-story wood frame home. The house and log cabin studio were designated a National Historic Landmark in 1965, and added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1966. In 1976, the listing boundaries were amended to account for moving the house.Beginning in 1969, the museum co-hosted the C. M. Russell Auction of Original Western Art—an auction of 19th, 20th, and 21st century art of the American West whose proceeds benefit the museum. The auction has received media attention in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In 2010, the two co-hosts parted ways, and the C. M. Russell Museum inaugurated a new auction, "The Russell."

Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens

Jacksonville (Floride)

The Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens is a museum located in Jacksonville, Florida. It was founded in 1961 after the death of Ninah Cummer, who bequeathed her gardens and personal art collection to the new museum. The Cummer Museum has since expanded to include the property owned by Ninah's brother-in-law, but it still includes her original garden designs and a portion of her home with its historic furnishing. The museum and gardens attract 130,000 visitors annually. The permanent collection of the museum currently includes over 5,000 works of art dating from 2100 BCE to the twenty-first century. The museum's collection is especially strong in European and American paintings and also includes substantial holdings of Meissen porcelain. The museum also has an award-winning education center, Art Connections, which possesses a number of interactive educational installations and serves underprivileged and special education students with its programs. There are three flower gardens on the museum grounds, the oldest dating back to 1903. These gardens have preserved their original layout for over a century and were designed by landscape designers such as the Olmsted Brothers, Thomas Meehan & Sons, and Ellen Biddle Shipman. The Cummer Gardens are on the National Register of Historic Places.

Frye Art Museum


The Frye Art Museum is an art museum located in the First Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, USA. The museum emphasizes painting and sculpture from the nineteenth century to the present. Its holdings originate in the private collection of Charles and Emma Frye. Charles, owner of a local meatpacking plant, set aside money in his will for a museum to house the Fryes' collection of 232 paintings. The Frye Art Museum opened to the public in 1952 as Seattle's first free art museum. The museum building was originally designed by Paul Thiry, although it has since been considerably altered.Charles Frye's will required that the majority of the Fryes' own collection continue always to be on view in rooms of a certain size; stipulations were also made about lighting conditions and specifically concrete floors . He also required that admission always be free. These conditions were enough to keep the Seattle Art Museum from being interested in his collection.The Fryes' collection consisted entirely of representational works, with a tendency toward "the dark, the dramatic, and the psychological" rather than "the genteel". The museum's permanent collection reflects Charles Frye's relatively conservative artistic tastes, and the museum continued to be dedicated exclusively to representational art, both in its acquisitions and its exhibits. This conservatism reflected the artistic and social values of its first director, Walser Greathouse and of his even more conservative widow and successor Ida Kay Greathouse, who ran the museum until 1993.However, exhibitions under new, professional management in recent years have been far more venturesome, eliciting comparisons to Seattle's Henry Art Gallery. Exhibitions in recent years have included "Subspontaneous: Francesca Lohmann and Rob Rhee," featuring sculptures involving natural forces and ecological growth, "Agnieszka Polska: Love Bite," and "Unsettling Femininity: Selections from the Frye Art Museum Collection." The museum often redeploys its permanent collection, experimenting with exhibiting it in different arrangements. In 2018, the museum had 109,249 total attendees and a membership base of 2,383.In 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the museum temporarily closed for in-person visits and now offers online art viewing and educational opportunities through the Frye From Home program. On August 28, 2020, the museum announced its expectation to reopen for in-person visits in October 2020.

James A. Michener Art Museum

Doylestown (Pennsylvanie)

The Michener Art Museum is a private, non-profit museum in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, founded in 1988 and named for the Pulitzer Prize–winning writer James A. Michener, a Doylestown resident. It is situated within the old stone walls of a historic 19th-century prison and houses a collection of Bucks County visual arts, along with holdings of 19th- and 20th-century American art. It is noted for its Pennsylvania Impressionism collection, an art colony centered in nearby New Hope during the early 20th century, as well as its changing exhibitions, ranging from international touring shows to regionally focused exhibitions.