

オーストラリア連邦 Commonwealth of Australia 国の標語:なし 国歌:Advance Australia Fair(英語)註1進め 美しきオーストラリア 註1:国歌は公式には『Advance Australia Fair』であるが、女王や総督が臨席する場合には『女王陛下万歳』が用いられる。註2:本土以外の地域ではこれと異なる時間帯を採用しているものもある。また夏時間は一部地域のみ採用している。詳細は「オーストラリア時間」の記事を参照。 オーストラリア連邦(オーストラリアれんぽう、英: Commonwealth of Australia)、またはオーストラリア(英: Australia)は、オセアニアに位置し、オーストラリア大陸本土、タスマニア島及び多数の小島から成る連邦立憲君主制国家。首都はキャンベラ。最大の都市はシドニー。 イギリス連邦加盟国であり、英連邦王国の一国となっている。日本での略称は豪州(ごうしゅう)である。

Queensland Art Gallery


The Queensland Art Gallery is an art museum located in the South Bank precinct of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The gallery is part of the Queensland Cultural Centre. It complements the Gallery of Modern Art building, situated only 150 metres away. The Queensland Art Gallery is owned and operated by the Government of Queensland, which created the institution in 1895 as the Queensland National Art Gallery.

Bendigo Art Gallery

City of Greater Bendigo

Bendigo Art Gallery in Bendigo, founded in 1887, is one of Australia’s oldest and largest regional art galleries. The Bendigo Art Gallery hosts Australia's richest open painting prize, the Arthur Guy Memorial Painting Prize, worth $50,000, which was launched in 2003.


Canberra Central

オーストラリア戦争記念館(オーストラリアせんそうきねんかん、 Australian War Memorial)は、オーストラリアの首都キャンベラにある国立軍事博物館。記念館はオーストラリアが参戦した戦争で死亡した兵士の墓、展示エリア、記録室の3つのエリアで構成されている。武器、戦車、戦闘機の展示もある。

Ian Potter Museum of Art


The Ian Potter Museum of Art at the University of Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia was established in 1972. It houses the art collection of the University of Melbourne. Current director, Kelly Gellatly, was appointed in 2013.The Potter, as it is known locally, presents a curated exhibition program of historical and contemporary art. Through its activities the Potter provides for the acquisition, maintenance, conservation, cataloguing, exhibition, investigation, interpretation and promotion of the extensive art collections of the University of Melbourne. The current building opened in 1998 and was designed by the architect Nonda Katsalidis of Katsalidis Architects. The architect project team included Bill Krotiris, Adrian Amore, Lisette Agius, Donna Brzezinski, Keiran Boyle, Kei Lu Cheong, Luisa Di Gregorio, Holger Frese, Chris Godsell, Robert Kolak, Barbara Moje, Rainer Strunz, Marius Vogl, Jackie Wagner.

Kerry Stokes

パース (西オーストラリア州)

Kerry Matthew Stokes is an Australian businessman. He holds business interests in a diverse range of industries including electronic and print media, property, mining, and construction equipment. He is most widely known as the chairman of the Seven Network, one of the largest broadcast repeating corporations in Australia. He was invested as a Companion in the General Division of the Order of Australia in recognition of his contributions to Australian business.

Manly Art Gallery and Museum

Northern Beaches Council

The Manly Art Gallery and Museum , located in Manly, New South Wales, Australia, was the first metropolitan-based regional gallery in New South Wales and holds an extensive collection of Australian ceramics and 130 works by Antonio Dattilo Rubbo. Since 1982, MAGAM has also been a museum of beach culture and the history of Manly and the Northern Beaches. The permanent collection numbers over 6,000 objects in a range of media including paintings, works on paper, ceramics and museum objects, documents and photographs.

McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery

MacDonnell Region

McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery is an Australian sculpture park and gallery located in Langwarrin in Melbourne, Victoria. It displays more than 100 large-scale works by prominent Australian sculptors in 16 hectares of bush and landscaped gardens.



ニューサウスウェールズ州立図書館(ニューサウスウェールズしゅうりつとしょかん、State Library of New South Wales、別名 Mitchell Library)は、シドニー マッコーリー通りに位置する、ニューサウスウェールズ州(オーストラリア)の図書館。 1826年、'Australian Subscription Library' として開館 1869年、NSW州政府に移管、'Sydney Free Public Library' に改名 1895年、'Public Library of NSW' に改名 1975年、'State Library of New South Wales' に改名


Canberra Central

オーストラリア国立図書館(オーストラリアこくりつとしょかん、National Library of Australia)はオーストラリアの首都キャンベラに所在する国立図書館。