

オーストリア共和国 Republik Österreich 国の標語:不明 国歌:Land der Berge, Land am Strome(ドイツ語)山岳の国、大河の国 オーストリア共和国(オーストリアきょうわこく、ドイツ語: Republik Österreich、バイエルン語: Republik Östareich)、通称オーストリアは、ヨーロッパに位置する連邦共和制国家。首都はウィーン。 ドイツの南方、中部ヨーロッパの内陸に位置し、西側はリヒテンシュタイン、スイスと、南はイタリアとスロベニア、東はハンガリーとスロバキア、北はドイツとチェコと隣接する。基本的には中欧とされるが、歴史的には西欧や東欧に分類されたこともある。

Imperial Natural History Museum


The Imperial Natural History Museum or Imperial Royal Natural History Court Museum of Austria-Hungary was created by Emperor Franz Joseph I during an extensive reorganization of the museum collections, from 1851–1876, and opened to the public on August 10, 1889. Located in Vienna, the Museum was named in German as "K.k. Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum" .Later, the Museum became part of the Natural History Museum of Vienna, Austria . When officially begun in 1876, Austrian geologist Ferdinand von Hochstetter became the first superintendent of the Imperial Natural History Museum, after having been, from 1860, professor of mineralogy and geology at the Imperial-Royal Polytechnic Institute in Vienna. In 1886, Austrian geologist and paleontologist Franz Ritter von Hauer became second superintendent of the Imperial Natural History Museum . The main building for the Museum was constructed between 1871-1891. See more about the current museum at: Naturhistorisches Museum.

Lower Austria Museum


The Lower Austria Museum , formerly the Lower Austria State Museum , is the national museum for the state of Lower Austria and covers the fields of history, art and nature. It is located in St. Pölten in Lower Austria. Before it moved to St. Pölten in 2002, the museum, which was founded in 1902 by the Association for Cultural Studies, occupied several locations in Vienna. For example, in the period 1912-1923 it was based in Wallnerstraße and, from 1923 to 1997, it was housed in the Palais Mollard-Clary. On the establishment of the new state capital of St. Pölten, the state museum was transferred to the cultural region it represents.

Lentos Art Museum


The Lentos Art Museum is a museum of modern art in Linz, Austria. It opened in May 2003 as the successor of the Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz . The museum building was designed by the Zurich architects Weber & Hofer. It is 130 meters long, provides approximately 8000 m2 for use, and has a transparent glass facade, illuminated at night. It is located directly on the Danube between the Nibelungen Bridge and Brucknerhaus.

Palais Trautson


Palais Trautson is a Baroque palace in Vienna, Austria, located at Museumstraße 7. It was once owned by the noble Trautson family {de}. It was built in 1712 for Johann Leopold Donat von Trautson, the first Prince of Trautson. The building was designed by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach. The palace is currently used as office space by the Austrian Ministry of Justice.



シェーンブルン宮殿(シェーンブルンきゅうでん、ドイツ語: Schloss Schönbrunn)は、オーストリアの首都ウィーンにある宮殿。ハプスブルク王朝の歴代君主が、主に夏の離宮として使用した。 現在、同宮殿と庭園群は世界遺産に登録されている。



シュテファン大聖堂(ドイツ語: Stephansdom)は、オーストリアの首都ウィーンにあるゴシック様式の大聖堂。ウィーン大司教区の司教座聖堂である。シュテファン寺院とも呼ばれる。 ウィーンのシンボルで、その観光名所のひとつである。この聖堂を含むリング と呼ばれるウィーン歴史地区は2001年にユネスコの世界遺産に登録された。ハプスブルク家の歴代君主の墓所であるほか、ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルトとコンスタンツェ・ウェーバーの結婚式が行われ、また葬儀が行われた聖堂としても知られている。 オーストリア公ルドルフ4世の命によって建造されたこの聖堂は、1359年に65年がかりで南塔が完成。136.7メートルの高さをもち、教会の塔としてはウルム大聖堂(161メートル)、ケルン大聖堂(157メートル)についで世界で3番目の高さがある。

Winter Palace of Prince Eugene


The Winter Palace of Prince Eugene , also known as the City Palace , is a high-Baroque palace in the Innere Stadt district of Vienna, Austria. Located on a narrow street at Himmelpfortgasse 8, the palace was used as the winter residence of Prince Eugene of Savoy, who spent his summers at the Belvedere. The Winter Palace was designed and constructed by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach from 1695 to 1700, and by Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt from 1702 to 1724 following his predecessor's plans.The palace was acquired through auction by Empress Maria Theresa for the imperial court in 1738, along with most of the prince's other buildings. In 1752, the palace was converted by Nicolò Pacassi into the seat of various state institutions. The palace housed the Finance Ministry of the Austrian Empire from 1848 to 1918 and the dissolution of the Habsburg Empire. Since 1919, the palace has housed the Ministry of Finance. From 2007 to 2013, the palace was extensively renovated. The Winter Palace of Prince Eugene is considered "one of the most magnificent Baroque edifices in Vienna".