

ベルギー王国 Koninkrijk België(オランダ語)Royaume de Belgique(フランス語)Königreich Belgien(ドイツ語) 国の標語:L'union fait la force(フランス語)Eendracht maakt macht(オランダ語)Einigkeit macht stark(ドイツ語)(日本語訳: 団結は力なり) 国歌:La Brabançonne(フランス語)De Brabançonne(オランダ語)Das Lied von Brabant(ドイツ語)ブラバントの歌 ベルギー王国(ベルギーおうこく、蘭: Koninkrijk België、仏: Royaume de Belgique、独: Königreich Belgien)、通称ベルギーは、西ヨーロッパに位置する連邦立憲君主制国家。隣国のオランダ、ルクセンブルクと合わせてベネルクスと呼ばれる。 首都ブリュッセル(ブリュッセル首都圏地域)は欧州連合(EU)の主要機関の多くが置かれているため「EUの首都」とも言われており、その通信・金融網はヨーロッパを越えて地球規模である。憲法上の首都は、19の基礎自治体からなるブリュッセル首都圏の自治体のひとつ、ブリュッセル市である。 19世紀にネーデルラント連合王国から独立した国家で、オランダ語の一種であるフラマン語が公用語の北部フランデレン地域と、フランス語が公用語の南部ワロン地域とにほぼ二分される(このほかにドイツ語が公用語のドイツ語共同体地域もある)。建国以来、単一国家であったが、オランダ語系住民とフランス語系住民の対立(言語戦争)が続いたため、1993年にフランデレン地域とワロン地域とブリュッセル首都圏の区分を主とする連邦制に移行した。ルワンダ虐殺の原因である差別感情を植え付け、ジェノサイドを引き起こした国でもある。



トゥルネー美術館(トゥルネーびじゅつかん、フランス語: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tournai)は、ベルギー・トゥルネーにある美術館。



ルーベンスの家(ルーベンスのいえ、蘭: Rubenshuis)は、ベルギー、アントウェルペンのワッパー広場にある博物館である。もともとは、画家のピーテル・パウル・ルーベンスが住居兼アトリエとして使用していた。

Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels


The Centre for Fine Arts is a cultural venue in Brussels, Belgium. Often referred to as BOZAR in French or PSK in Dutch, the building was completed in 1929 at the instigation of Henry Le Bœuf and includes exhibition and conference rooms, a cinema and a concert hall, which serves as home to the National Orchestra of Belgium.

Liège Cathedral


Liège Cathedral, otherwise St. Paul's Cathedral, Liège, in Liège, Belgium, is part of the religious heritage of Liège. Founded in the 10th century, it was rebuilt from the 13th to the 15th century and restored in the mid-19th century. It became a Roman Catholic cathedral in the 19th century due to the destruction of Saint Lambert's Cathedral in 1795. It is the seat of the Diocese of Liège.

Tongerlo Abbey


Tongerlo Abbey is a Premonstratensian monastery at Tongerlo in Westerlo near Antwerp, Belgium.

Basilica of Our Lady of Hanswijk


The Basilica of Our Lady of Hanswijk is a Roman Catholic basilica in Mechelen, Belgium. The basilica is a famous place of pilgrimage in Belgium, the statue was crowned on 30 July 1876 by Cardinal Deschamps by request of pope Pius IX.



Kuurne is a municipality located in the Belgian province of West Flanders. The municipality comprises only the town of Kuurne proper. On January 1, 2006, Kuurne had a total population of 12,591. The total area is 10.01 km² which gives a population density of 1258 inhabitants per km². The Leie functions as a natural border between Kuurne and Harelbeke. Inhabitants from Kuurne are nicknamed 'donkeys'. This is said to be a term of derision given to them by the people of nearby Kortrijk because traders from Kuurne habitually set off for the Kortrijk market at an early hour, their ass-drawn carts laden with vegetables. Awoken by the rattle of the cart wheels and the braying of the asses, the people of Kortrijk exclaimed: "It's those asses from Kuurne again!" An alternative, more legendary explanation originates from the tale of a priest who had to hold a funeral on Ash Wednesday. He asked the sacrister to take over his regular service, but the latter couldn't remember the Latin words "Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris" , which are to be proclaimed while applying a cross of ash to the foreheads of the churchgoers. Later the priest spoke to him in exasperation, saying: "You were born an ass, and you will die an ass!" "Aha," said the sacrister, "I'll remember that!" and so saying, he continued giving the people of Kuurne their crosses of ash. The best-known donkey in Kuurne is 'Ambroos' , a larger-than-life and somewhat stylised statue in front of the town hall. The winner of the annual pro cycling race Kuurne–Brussels–Kuurne received a big bouquet and a soft toy version of 'Ambroos' to wave from the stage.



In ancient Greek religion and mythology, the Muses are the inspirational goddesses of literature, science, and the arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge embodied in the poetry, lyric songs, and myths that were related orally for centuries in ancient Greek culture. The word "muse" can refer in general to anyone or anything which inspires an artist, musician, or writer.