

デンマーク Danmark 国の標語:なし王のモットー: Guds hjælp, Folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke(デンマーク語: 神の救い、国民の愛情、デンマークの力) 国歌:Der er et yndigt land(デンマーク語)麗しき国王室歌:Kong Christian stod ved højen Mast(デンマーク語)クリスチャン王は高き帆柱の傍に立ちて この表中の各数値は、グリーンランドとフェロー諸島を含んでいない。 デンマーク(デンマーク語: Danmark, 発音 [ˈdænmɑrɡ̊] )は、北ヨーロッパに位置し、バルト海と北海に挟まれたユトランド半島およびその周辺の多くの島々からなる立憲君主制国家。自治権を有するグリーンランドとフェロー諸島と共にデンマーク王国を構成している。 北欧諸国の1つであり、北では海を挟んでスカンディナヴィア諸国、南では陸上でドイツと国境を接する。首都のコペンハーゲンはシェラン島に位置している。海外領土でない領土を大陸部分に領有しながら首都が島嶼に存在する国は、デンマークと赤道ギニアのみである。 ノルディックモデルの高福祉高負担国家であり、OECD各国中で最も個人所得税の高い国である。市民の生活満足度は世界最高クラスで、2014年の国連世界幸福度報告では幸福度第1位であった。様々な角度からのウェルビーイングは最高レベルであり、世界で最も社会的流動性が高く 、世界で最も腐敗が少なく、男女の賃金差はOECD中最小であった。 社会はグローバル化とデジタル化が進んでおり、それは家庭と企業活動において多大な利益をもたらしている。デンマークは欧州において最もデジタル化された社会である。

The David Collection


The David Collection is a museum of fine and applied art in Copenhagen, Denmark, built around the private collections of lawyer, businessman and art collector C. L. David. The museum is particularly noted for its collection of Islamic art from the 8th to the 19th century, which is one of the largest in Northern Europe. The museum also holds fine and applied art from Europe in the 18th century and the Danish Golden Age as well as a small collection of Danish early modern art. All the works of art in the collection of Danish early modern art were acquired by C. L. David himself. The museum is located in a neo-classical building in 30 Kronprinsessegade in central Copenhagen, overlooking Rosenborg Castle Garden. From 2006 to 2009 the collection was closed to the public while the premises underwent a major refurbishment and rearrangement. When it reopened on 15 May 2009, it was described as "the most exclusive museum in Denmark" in national Danish newspaper Politiken.

Fuglsang Art Museum

Guldborgsund Municipality

Fuglsang Art Museum is an art museum set in rural surroundings in Guldborgsund Municipality on the island of Lolland in Denmark. It is part of the Fuglsang Cultural Centre. The museum features Danish art with an emphasis on artists and motifs of local provenance. The museum is located in a purpose-built building, designed by Tony Fretton. Noted for its integration with the surrounding architecture and landscape, the museum building won a 2009 RIBA European Award and was short-listed for the Stirling prize the same year.

Funen's Art Museum


Funen's Art Museum , formerly The Museum of Funen's Abbey and Museum Civitatis Othiniensis, founded in 1885, is an art museum in Odense, Denmark. Funen's Art Museum operated as a part of the Odense City Museums .



デンマーク国立博物館(デンマークこくりつはくぶつかん、Nationalmuseet, 英語:National Museum of Denmark)はデンマークのコペンハーゲンにあるデンマークの主要な文化史の博物館である。そこではデンマークと外国の文化の歴史を等しく取り扱っている。 デンマーク先史時代の区画は、数年がかりの修繕後、2008年5月に再開された。

KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art Aalborg


KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art is located in Aalborg, Denmark, on Kong Christians Allé near its junction with Vesterbro. Of a modern Scandinavian design, it was built between 1968-72 by Finnish architects Elissa and Alvar Aalto and Danish architect Jean-Jacques Baruël. It was completed on 8 June 1972.The museum has been termed a "showplace for 20th-century Danish and international art", as it showcases both domestic and international modern art collections. It is described as "strikingly contemporary in both form and content".

Ribe Kunstmuseum

Esbjerg Municipality

Ribe Kunstmuseum is an art museum in Ribe, Denmark.

Sorø Art Museum

ソーレ (シェラン地域)

Sorø Art Museum is an art museum located in Sorø, Denmark. It displays a representative collection of Danish art as well as a collection of Russian art, covering both painting from 1870 to 1930 and Russian icons, and also hosts special exhibitions both of classical and contemporary art. The museum is housed within a listed Neoclassical house, part of a traditional Danish market town setting along Sorø's main street, which was expanded by the architects Lundgaard & Tranberg in 2011, tripling its size.

Sundby Church


Sundby Church is a Church of Denmark parish church located on Amagerbrogade in Copenhagen, Denmark. Completed in 1870 to designs by Hans Jørgen Holm, it is the oldest church on the northern part of Amager.

Amalienborg Square, Copenhagen


Amalienborg Square, Copenhagen is an 1896 oil on canvas painting by the Danish artist Vilhelm Hammershøi in the Statens Museum for Kunst.This painting shows Amalienborg Square, Copenhagen in a hazy setting with full sunlight on the 1768 Neoclassical statue of Frederik V on Horseback, commissioned by the Asiatic Company and created by the French sculptor Jacques Saly. This statue took 14 years to complete and cost more than Amalienborg's four palatial buildings which surround it, which is perhaps why Hammershøi decided to place it in full sunlight. The lack of any trace of human life in the painting is typical of Hammershøi's work and emphasizes the monumental qualities of the subject. The skewed architectural lines give the painting a sense of space and the horseman seems to be trotting calmly out of the painting, leaving the two-dimensional palace behind him. The trompe l'oeil effect makes the painting seem taller, but it is actually square. Other monumental paintings of architecture by Hammershøi in this period were: