
リューベック / ドイツ

リューベック(Lübeck)は、ドイツ連邦共和国の都市。シュレースヴィヒ=ホルシュタイン州に属する。トラヴェ川沿岸、バルト海に面する北ドイツの代表都市。かつてはハンザ同盟の盟主として繁栄を誇り、「ハンザの女王」(Königin der Hanse)と称される。正式名称をハンザ都市リューベック(Die Hansestadt Lübeck)という。"Lübeck"の発音は、標準ドイツ語ではドイツ語発音: [ˈlyːbɛk] (リューベックに近い)であるのに対し、地元では[ˈlyːbɛːk](リューベークに近い)となる傾向がある。面積214.14平方キロメートル、人口211,713人(2011年)。

St. Anne's Museum Quarter, Lübeck

リューベック / ドイツ

St. Anne's Museum Quarter was previously an Augustinian nunnery, St. Anne's Priory . Since 1915 it has housed St. Anne's Museum, one of Lübeck's museums of art and cultural history containing Germany's largest collection of medieval sculpture and altar-pieces, including the famous altars by Hans Memling , Bernt Notke, Hermen Rode, Jacob van Utrecht and Benedikt Dreyer. These are exhibited on the building's first floor is a museum and art exhibition hall located near St. Giles Church and next to the synagogue in the south-east of the city of Lübeck, Germany. On the building's second floor is exhibited a large collection of home decor items and interiors of different periods, showing how the area's citizens lived from medieval times up to the 1800s. A modern addition houses special exhibits. The museum is part of the Lübeck World Heritage site.


リューベック / ドイツ

The Behnhaus is an art museum in the Hanseatic city of Lübeck, Germany, and part of its World heritage site. The Behnhaus as a structure is a neoclassical building with interior design by the Danish architect Joseph Christian Lillie. The museum exhibits furniture from this period, and paintings and sculptures from this period onwards. It specializes in Nazarene art, since Friedrich Overbeck was born in Lübeck. The museum is also known for its collection of works by Edvard Munch.

St. Mary's Church, Lübeck

リューベック / ドイツ

St. Mary's Church in Lübeck was built between 1250 and 1350. It has always been a symbol of the power and prosperity of the old Hanseatic city, and is situated at the highest point of the island that forms the old town of Lübeck. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the old Hanseatic City of Lübeck. St. Mary's epitomizes north German Brick Gothic and set the standard for about 70 other churches in the Baltic region, making it a building of enormous architectural significance. St Mary's Church embodied the towering style of Gothic architecture style using north German brick. It has the tallest brick vault in the world, the height of the central nave being 38.5 metres . It is built as a three-aisled basilica with side chapels, an ambulatory with radiating chapels, and vestibules like the arms of a transept. The westwork has a monumental two-tower façade. The height of the towers, including the weather vanes, is 124.95 metres and 124.75 metres , respectively. St. Mary's is located in the Hanseatic merchants' quarter, which extends uphill from the warehouses on the River Trave to the church. As the main parish church of the citizens and the city council of Lübeck, it was built close to the town hall and the market.