
Ottobeuren / ドイツ

ウンターアルゴイ郡 は、バイエルン州シュヴァーベン行政管区の中央部に位置する郡。郡独立市のメミンゲンをコの字状に取り囲んでいる。西部はバーデン=ヴュルテンベルク州と接する。 隣接する郡は、ノイ=ウルム郡、ギュンツブルク郡、アウクスブルク郡、オストアルゴイ郡、オーバーアルゴイ郡。

Ottobeuren Abbey

Ottobeuren / ドイツ

Ottobeuren is a Benedictine abbey, located in Ottobeuren, near Memmingen in the Bavarian Allgäu, Germany. For part of its history Ottobeuren Abbey was one of the 40-odd self-ruling imperial abbeys of the Holy Roman Empire and, as such, was a virtually independent state. At the time of its dissolution in 1802, the imperial abbey covered 266 square kilometers and had about 10,000 subjects.