
フェラーラ / イタリア

フェラーラ(フェッラーラ、イタリア語: Ferrara )は、イタリア共和国エミリア=ロマーニャ州にある都市であり、その周辺地域を含む人口約13万人の基礎自治体(コムーネ)。フェラーラ県の県都である。 14世紀、この地を治めたエステ家によって整備され、ルネサンス期に文化の中心地の一つとして栄えた。エステ家の居城エステ城が一般に公開されている。1995年にはフェラーラのルネサンス期の市街とポー川デルタ地帯がユネスコの世界遺産(文化遺産)に登録されている。

Palazzo Schifanoia

フェラーラ / イタリア

Palazzo Schifanoia is a Renaissance palace in Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna built for the Este family. The name "Schifanoia" is thought to originate from "schivar la noia" meaning literally to "escape from boredom" which describes accurately the original intention of the palazzo and the other villas in close proximity where the Este court relaxed. The highlights of its decorations are the allegorical frescoes with details in tempera by or after Francesco del Cossa and Cosmè Tura, executed ca 1469–70, a unique survival of their time. This palace forms part of a catalogue of pleasure palaces for the Este family, including the following: Delizia di Belriguardo a Voghiera Delizia del Verginese a Portomaggiore Castello di Mesola a Mesola Villa della Mensa a Sabbioncello San Vittore Delizia di Benvignante ad Argenta, ItalyThe Palace of Belfiore which once held the Studiolo of the Palazzo Belfiore, no longer exists.

Pinacoteca Nazionale in Ferrara

フェラーラ / イタリア

The Pinacotecta Nazionale is an art gallery in Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy. It is located on the piano nobile of the Palazzo dei Diamanti, a work of Renaissance architecture by Biagio Rossetti, commissioned by Leonello d’Este in 1447. Not to be confused with the Civic Museum on the lower floor, which has hosted temporary exhibitions of contemporary art since 1992, the Pinacoteca houses a collection of paintings by the Ferrarese School dating from the thirteenth to the eighteenth centuries. It was founded in 1836 by the Municipality of Ferrara after Napoleon's widespread dissolution of churches threatened the protection of important public artworks. The gallery is formed as much around notable northern Italian painters as it is around the exquisite interior decoration of the palace itself, together with remnants of frescoes from local churches and later acquisitions from the Sacrati Strozzi collection. Since 2015 the Pinacoteca Nazionale has formed a part of the Gallerie Estensi, a network of museums sharing Ferrara's cultural heritage with that of Modena and Sassuolo.

Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna

フェラーラ / イタリア

Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna S.p.A. known as Carisbo, was an Italian savings bank based in Bologna, Emilia-Romagna. The bank was part of Intesa Sanpaolo Group since 2007. The former owner of the bank, Fondazione Carisbo, still held 2.023% shares of Intesa Sanpaolo as of 31 December 2013.

Ferrara Cathedral

フェラーラ / イタリア

Ferrara Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral and minor basilica in Ferrara, Northern Italy. Dedicated to Saint George, the patron saint of the city, it is the seat of the Archbishop of Ferrara and the largest religious building in the city. The cathedral stands in the city centre, not far from the Palazzo Comunale and the famous Castello Estense and is connected to the Archbishop's Palace by a covered passage.

Palazzo dei Diamanti

フェラーラ / イタリア

Palazzo dei Diamanti is a Renaissance palace located on Corso Ercole I d'Este 21 in Ferrara, region of Emilia Romagna, Italy. The main floor of the Palace houses the Pinacoteca Nazionale di Ferrara .