
フィレンツェ / イタリア

フィレンツェ(イタリア語: Firenze [fiˈrɛntse] )は、イタリア共和国中部にある都市で、その周辺地域を含む人口約38万人の基礎自治体(コムーネ)。トスカーナ州の州都、フィレンツェ県の県都である。英名由来のフローレンスで呼ばれることもある。 中世には毛織物業と金融業で栄え、フィレンツェ共和国としてトスカーナの大部分を支配した。メディチ家による統治の下、15世紀のフィレンツェはルネサンスの文化的な中心地となった。 市街中心部は「フィレンツェ歴史地区」としてユネスコの世界遺産に登録されている。1986年には欧州文化首都に選ばれた。

San Miniato al Monte

フィレンツェ / イタリア

San Miniato al Monte is a basilica in Florence, central Italy, standing atop one of the highest points in the city. It has been described as one of the finest Romanesque structures in Tuscany and one of the most scenic churches in Italy. There is an adjoining Olivetan monastery, seen to the right of the basilica when ascending the stairs.

Laurentian Library

フィレンツェ / イタリア

The Laurentian Library is a historic library in Florence, Italy, containing more than 11,000 manuscripts and 4,500 early printed books. Built in a cloister of the Medicean Basilica di San Lorenzo di Firenze under the patronage of the Medici pope Clement VII, the library was built to emphasize that the Medici were no longer merchants but members of intelligent and ecclesiastical society. It contains the manuscripts and books belonging to the private library of the Medici family. The library is renowned for its architecture, designed by Michelangelo, and is an example of Mannerism.A Codex Laurentianus identifies any of the book-bound manuscripts in the library. The library conserves the Nahuatl Florentine Codex, the Rabula Gospels, the Codex Amiatinus, the Squarcialupi Codex, and the fragmentary Erinna papyrus containing poems of the friend of Sappho.

Palazzo Medici Riccardi

フィレンツェ / イタリア

The Palazzo Medici, also called the Palazzo Medici Riccardi after the later family that acquired and expanded it, is a Renaissance palace located in Florence, Italy. It is the seat of the Metropolitan City of Florence and a museum.


フィレンツェ / イタリア

シニョリーア広場(Piazza della Signoria)は、イタリアのフィレンツェにあるヴェッキオ宮殿前のL字形の広場。シニョーリア広場とも。 フィレンツェ共和国の歴史の焦点であり、原点でもあり、今も市の政治的中心地としてその名誉を維持している。周辺にヴェッキオ橋、ドゥオモ広場、ウフィツィ美術館へ向かう道などがあり、観光客も多く、地元民の待ち合わせ場所にもなっている。

Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence

フィレンツェ / イタリア

Santa Maria del Carmine is a church of the Carmelite Order, in the Oltrarno district of Florence, in Tuscany, Italy. It is famous as the location of the Brancacci Chapel housing outstanding Renaissance frescoes by Masaccio and Masolino da Panicale, later finished by Filippino Lippi.

Ognissanti, Florence

フィレンツェ / イタリア

The chiesa di San Salvatore di Ognissanti or more simply chiesa di Ognissanti , is a Franciscan church located on the piazza of the same name in central Florence, region of Tuscany, Italy. Founded by the lay order of the Umiliati, the church was dedicated to all the saints and martyrs, known and unknown.

Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi

フィレンツェ / イタリア

Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi is a Renaissance-style Roman Catholic church and a former convent located in Borgo Pinti in central Florence.

Opificio delle pietre dure

フィレンツェ / イタリア

The Opificio delle pietre dure, literally meaning Workshop of semi-precious stones, is a public institute of the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage based in Florence. It is a global leader in the field of art restoration and provides teaching as one of two Italian state conservation schools . The institute maintains also a specialist library and archive of conservation and a museum displaying historic examples of pietre dure inlaid semi-precious stones artefacts. A scientific laboratory conducts research and diagnostics and provides a preventive conservation service.