
マントヴァ / イタリア

マントヴァ(イタリア語: Mantova [ˈmantova] )は、イタリア共和国ロンバルディア州南東部にある都市で、その周辺地域を含む人口約4万9000人の基礎自治体(コムーネ)。マントヴァ県の県都である。 マントヴァは三方を12世紀につくられた人工湖によって囲まれている。これらはガルダ湖から発したミンチョ川の水をせき止めたものである。3つの湖はそれぞれ大きな方から、スペリオーレ湖、メッツォ湖、インフェリオーレ湖と呼ばれている。4番目の湖パジョロ湖はかつて市を環状に巡った防御用のものであったが、18世紀末に干拓された。 マントヴァは、ウィリアム・シェイクスピア作の悲劇『ロミオとジュリエット』の中に登場する。劇中、ロミオはティボルトを誤って殺害し、町から追放される。彼はただちにマントヴァへ向けて発ち、愛するジュリエットの死の知らせを聞いてヴェローナへ帰還する。 またヴェルディ作曲のオペラ「リゴレット」の舞台であり、市内にはオペラに縁のある建物や登場人物の像が現存するが、劇中の人物は全て架空の人物である。 マントヴァは、カトリック教会のマントヴァ司教座が置かれている。 マントヴァの中心市街などは、サッビオネータの中心部とともに「マントヴァとサッビオネータ」の名で世界遺産リストに登録されている。

Palazzo D'Arco, Mantua

マントヴァ / イタリア

The Palazzo D'Arco is a Neoclassical-style palace located on Piazza Carlo D'Arco #4 in Mantua, region of Lombardy, Italy. The palace houses the Museo di Palazzo d'Arco, which displays the furnishings and artwork collected by the Duke D'Arco.

Ducal Palace, Mantua

マントヴァ / イタリア

The Palazzo Ducale di Mantova is a group of buildings in Mantua, Lombardy, northern Italy, built between the 14th and the 17th century mainly by the noble family of Gonzaga as their royal residence in the capital of their Duchy. The buildings are connected by corridors and galleries and are enriched by inner courts and wide gardens. The complex includes some 500 rooms and occupies an area of c. 34,000 m². Although most famous for Mantegna's frescos in the Camera degli Sposi , they have many other very significant architectural and painted elements. The Gonzaga family lived in the palace from 1328 to 1707, when the dynasty died out. Subsequently, the buildings saw a sharp decline, which was halted in the 20th century with a continuing process of restoration and the designation of the area as museum. In 1998, a hidden room was discovered by Palace scholars, led by musicologist Paula Bezzutti. The room is thought to have been used for performances of Monteverdi's music in the late 16th century.


マントヴァ / イタリア

パラッツォ・デル・テ(伊: Palazzo del Te)は北イタリアのマントヴァに建つ離宮である。日本ではテ宮とも表記される。 1526年から1533年にかけてマニエリスムの特性が表れた時期に活躍した建築家であり芸術家であったジュリオ・ロマーノがフェデリーコ2世・ゴンザーガに依頼を受けたことで建てられた。ジュリオ・ロマーノが設計したのは建築物だけではなく内部の装飾や壁画、庭園の構想まで芸術的な部分も含めて全て彼によって考えられている。

Basilica of Sant'Andrea, Mantua

マントヴァ / イタリア

The Basilica of Sant'Andrea is a Roman Catholic co-cathedral and minor basilica in Mantua, Lombardy . It is one of the major works of 15th-century Renaissance architecture in Northern Italy. Commissioned by Ludovico III Gonzaga, the church was begun in 1472 according to designs by Leon Battista Alberti on a site occupied by a Benedictine monastery, of which the bell tower remains. The building, however, was only finished 328 years later. Though later changes and expansions altered Alberti's design, the church is still considered to be one of Alberti's most complete works. It looms over the Piazza Mantegna.

San Francesco, Mantua

マントヴァ / イタリア

The Chiesa di San Francesco is a Roman Catholic church located in the historic center of Mantua, Italy, at Piazza San Francesco d'Assisi 5. The church was founded by the Franciscan Order in 1304 but it was not consecrated until 1459, when Pope Pius II performed the ceremony. Suppressed in 1782, it was sacked in 1797, during the Napoleonic Wars, and turned into an arsenal in 1811. Still in military use when World War II began, it was devastated by bombardment during the war. The Cappella Gonzaga, with its frescoes depicting the life of St. Louis of Toulouse , was saved and recently restored. These frescoes were supposed to have been painted by Serafino de' Serafini, an artist who was active in Modena during the 14th Century. The church was reconstructed in Romanesque and Gothic styles. Now visible are some of the original frescoes depicting St. Francis Receives the Stigmata by Stefano da Verona. Andrea Mantegna's work St. Bernardino of Siena between Two Angels was originally here but it is now at the Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan, Italy. In the Cappella Gonzaga, built between 1369 and 1484, were buried: Guido Gonzaga, 2nd capitano del popolo of Mantua. Ludovico II Gonzaga, 3rd capitano del popolo of Mantua. Francesco I Gonzaga, 4th capitano del popolo of Mantua. Margherita Malatesta, second wife of Francesco I Gonzaga. Gianfrancesco Gonzaga, 5th capitano del popolo of Mantua. Rodolfo Gonzaga, son of Ludovico III, 2nd Marquis of Mantua. Francesco Cardinal Gonzaga, son of Ludovico III, 2nd Marquis of Mantua.Also at the church were buried other notables: Giovanni dalle Bande Nere, the condottiero, buried in full armor in 1526. Blessed Alberto Gonzaga in 1321. Guido Torelli, the founder of the noble family of Torelli, in 1449. Cristoforo I Torelli, son of Guido, in 1460. Francesco Secco, the condottiero who owned the family chapel, in 1496.

Basilica palatina di Santa Barbara

マントヴァ / イタリア

The Basilika Palatina di Santa Barbara is the Palatine Chapel of the House of Gonzaga in Mantua, Italy.

Palazzo d'Arco

マントヴァ / イタリア

The Palazzo D'Arco is a Neoclassical-style palace located on Piazza Carlo D'Arco #4 in Mantua, region of Lombardy, Italy. The palace houses the Museo di Palazzo d'Arco, which displays the furnishings and artwork collected by the Duke D'Arco.


マントヴァ / イタリア

パラッツォ・デル・テ(伊: Palazzo del Te)は北イタリアのマントヴァに建つ離宮である。日本ではテ宮とも表記される。 1526年から1533年にかけてマニエリスムの特性が表れた時期に活躍した建築家であり芸術家であったジュリオ・ロマーノがフェデリーコ2世・ゴンザーガに依頼を受けたことで建てられた。ジュリオ・ロマーノが設計したのは建築物だけではなく内部の装飾や壁画、庭園の構想まで芸術的な部分も含めて全て彼によって考えられている。