
モデナ / イタリア

モデナ(伊: Modena)は、イタリアのエミリア=ロマーニャ州にある都市。その周辺地域を含む人口約18万人の基礎自治体(コムーネ)。モデナ県の県都である。 古代に起源を持つ都市で、中世にはモデナ公国の中心都市であった。特産品として、バルサミコ酢が有名である。自動車メーカー・フェラーリの本拠地マラネッロは郊外(モデナ県下)にある。

Galleria Estense

モデナ / イタリア

The Galleria Estense is an art gallery in the heart of Modena, centred around the collection of the d’Este family: rulers of Modena, Ferrara and Reggio from 1289 to 1796. Located on the top floor of the Palazzo dei Musei, on the St. Augustine square, the museum showcases a vast array of works ranging from fresco and oil painting to marble, polychrome and terracotta sculpture; musical instruments; numismatics; curios and decorative antiques. It was publicly established in 1854 by the last duke Francesco V of Austria-Este, and was relocated in 1894 to its current situation from the Palazzo Ducale. Since 2014, the Gallery has formed a part the Gallerie Estensi, an independent complex of museums merging the Estense University library, and the Lapidary Museum in Modena, the Palazzo Ducale in Sassuolo and the Pinacoteca Nazionale in Ferrara. Together, they reflect the progressing tastes of an Italian court of nobility.


モデナ / イタリア

モデナ大聖堂(Duomo di Modena)は、イタリア・モデナにある大聖堂。ヨーロッパで重要なロマネスク建築の一つで、ユネスコの世界遺産に登録されている。モデナ出身の著名なテノール歌手ルチアーノ・パヴァロッティの葬儀が行われた場所である

Biblioteca Estense

モデナ / イタリア

The Biblioteca Estense , was the family library of the marquis and dukes of Este. The exact date of the library's birth is still under speculation, however it is known for certain that the library was in use during the fourteenth century. Whilst it was greatly enriched during the Renaissance years in Ferrara, the library was concretely established in Modena in the beginning of the seventeenth century. It is known as one of the most important libraries in Italy. The library is located, along with the Galleria Estense directly below its collection of artworks, in the Palazzo dei Musei in Modena.