
ノヴァーラ / イタリア

ノヴァーラ(イタリア語: Novara )は、イタリア共和国ピエモンテ州北東部にある都市で、その周辺地域を含む人口約10万人の基礎自治体(コムーネ)。ノヴァーラ県の県都である。 ピエモンテではトリノに次いで2番目の人口を持つ。ミラノ=トリノ間、ジェノヴァ=スイス間の重要な商業交通の交差路にあたる。

Basilica of San Gaudenzio

ノヴァーラ / イタリア

The Basilica of San Gaudenzio is a church in Novara, Piedmont, northern Italy. It is the highest point in the city. It is dedicated to Gaudentius of Novara, first Christian bishop of the city. It was built between 1577 and 1690 following the destruction of the old Basilica, ordered by Emperor Charles V. The Basilica itself was built by Pellegrino Tibaldi; however, the monumental cupola was designed by Alessandro Antonelli . The cupola was completed in 1887; it is 121 metres high.