スクロヴェーニ礼拝堂(スクロヴェーニれいはいどう、伊: Cappella degli Scrovegni)は、イタリアのパドヴァにある礼拝堂。エンリコ・デッリ・スクロヴェーニが購入し、礼拝堂を建てた場所が古代ローマの競技場(アレーナ)であるアンフィテアトルム跡に隣接していることから「アレーナ礼拝堂」とも呼ばれる。1305年に完成したジョット・ディ・ボンドーネが描いた、西洋美術史上もっとも重要な作品である一連のフレスコ絵画で知られる。礼拝堂は受胎告知と聖母マリアの慈愛に捧げられており、ジョットのフレスコ画は聖母マリアの生涯を描き、人類の救済におけるマリアの果たす役割を祝福するものになっている。スクロヴェーニ礼拝堂が建てられた場所は、それまでおよそ30年間に渡って行列祈祷式が行われ、受胎告知を題材とした演劇が上演されてきた場所だった。イタリア人音楽理論家マルケット・ダ・パドヴァ の手によるモテも1305年5月25日に奉献されたと考えられている。
The Musei Civici di Padova or degli Eremitani is a complex of museums and historic sites, centered around the former convent of the Eremitani , and its famous Cappella degli Scrovegni with its Giotto fresco masterpieces. The complex is located on Piazza Eremitani, at the edge of the historic center of Padua, region of Veneto, Italy. The complex includes halls of archaeological objects and - in the nearby Palazzo Zuckermann - a museum of modern and medieval applied art.
The Scuola del Santo or Scoletta was the headquarters of the Archconfraternity of St Anthony of Padua. It overhangs the churchyard of Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua, next door to the St. George's Oratory.
The Confraternity built the Scoletta in 1427 and it was expanded in 1504 with the Sala Priorale decorated with a cycle of fifteen frescoes and three canvases, which were worked on by the young Titian between 1510 and 1511. He was entrusted with three paintings of miracles performed by Anthony of Padua, The Miracle of the Newborn, The Miracle of the Healed Foot and The Miracle of the Jealous Husband. The three large frescoes were painted by him between April and December 1511 in the main room of the Scuola del Santo - they were is first large-scale independent work. The raised arm of the wife in Husband is sculpted in relief rather than painted illusionistically.
The Oratorio di San Giorgio or St George's Oratory is a Gothic-style Roman Catholic chapel or prayer hall in Padua, region of Veneto, Italy. It is notable for its frescoed interiors.
The Padua Baptistery, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, is a religious building found on the Piazza del Duomo next to the cathedral in Padua. Preserved inside is one of the most important fresco cycles of the 14th century, a masterpiece by Giusto de Menabuoi.
The Abbey of Santa Giustina is a 10th-century Benedictine abbey complex located in front of the Prato della Valle in central Padua, region of Veneto, Italy. Adjacent to the former monastery is the basilica church of Santa Giustina, initially built in the 6th century, but whose present form derives from a 17th-century reconstruction.