
ヴェネツィア / イタリア

ヴェネツィア(イタリア語: Venezia )は、イタリア共和国北東部に位置する都市で、その周辺地域を含む人口約26万人の基礎自治体(コムーネ)。ヴェネト州の州都、ヴェネツィア県の県都である。ヴの表記によりベネチアと表記されることもある。 中世にはヴェネツィア共和国の首都として栄えた都市で、「アドリア海の女王」「水の都」などの別名を持つ。英語では「Venice」と呼ばれ、これに由来して日本語でもヴェニス、ベニスと呼ばれることもある。

San Trovaso

ヴェネツィア / イタリア

Campo San Trovaso is a city square in Venice, Italy.

Santa Maria della Fava

ヴェネツィア / イタリア

Santa Maria della Fava, also originally known as Santa Maria della Consolazione, is an ancient Roman Catholic church in the sestiere of Castello in Venice, Italy. The suffix of della Fava attributed to the church, bridge and piazza has a number of attributed derivations. One explanation is that this area in Venice was used for the commerce of beans or the home of pastry shops for bean cake. A more colorful legend, perhaps for consumption of tourists, is that a man smuggling salt and beans was apprehended at the site, but when he kneeled before a local icon of the Madonna painted on a wall of Ca' Dolce, the salt from his bag disappeared, and thus he escaped imprisonment. The church then was built to house the miraculous icon. Finally, the church may have been endowed by the Fava family from Ferrara. The original church at the site was completed by 1500. While by 1662, it was under the jurisdiction of the Procuratoria of St Mark, it later was under the order of Saint Phillip Neri. The reconstructed, but unfinished, church we see today was designed by Antonio Gaspari in 1711, while the apse and presbytery were completed by Giorgio Massari. The interior of the church has a famous altarpiece of Saint Anne, Young Mary, and Saint Gioacchino, by Tiepolo. It also houses a Virgin with St Phillip Neri by Piazzetta. A series of statues of Saints and Evangelists were carved by Giuseppe Bernardi. Flanking the altar, which was designed by Massari are two angels by Giovanni Maria Morlaiter.


ヴェネツィア / イタリア

アルセナーレ・ディ・ヴェネツィア(イタリア語: Arsenale di Venezia)は、イタリアのヴェネツィアにある中世の造船所跡。日本語でヴェネツィア国立造船所やヴェネツィア海軍工廠などと表記されることもある。ヴェネツィア共和国のヴェネツィアにある造船所を指すことが明らかな場合は、単にアルセナーレと表記されることが多い。 2013年以降、ヴェネツィアの自治体が所有権の大部分を所有し高潮対策の水門コントロール施設やイベント場などとしており、残りは海洋史博物館や海洋軍事研究所を置いているイタリア海軍が所有している。


ヴェネツィア / イタリア

カ・ドーロ (Ca' d'Oro, 正式にはパラッツォ・サンタ・ソフィア Palazzo Santa Sofia)はヴェネツィアのカナル・グランデに面する邸宅であり、このうちで最も美しいものの一つといわれる。最も古いものの一つでもあり、かつて外壁に金箔と多彩色の装飾が施されていたことから、カ・ドーロ(黄金の館)と呼ばれてきた。

Sant'Antonin, Venice

ヴェネツィア / イタリア

Sant'Antonin is a church in the sestiere of Castello in Venice, Italy. The church was initially founded by the patrician Badoer family in the seventh century. It was reconstructed in the 12th century, and again in 1680, under designs of Baldassare Longhena. The bell-tower was added in 1750. The chapel on the left, dedicated to St Saba, was frescoed by Alessandro Vittoria on the walls, and in the ceiling by Sebastiano Ricci with Saints Saba and Antonin. The Chapel’s altarpiece by Lazzaro Bastiani depicts a Deposition. It derives originally from the church of San Severo. The Tiepolo family commissioned the decoration of another chapel, with works by Palma il Giovane depicting the life of San Saba. The chapel is said to contain her remains brought here from Acre by Lorenzo Tiepolo during the 13th century War of Saint Sabas. The chapel also has a bust of Alvise Tiepolo by Alessandro Vittoria.


ヴェネツィア / イタリア

Dorsoduro is one of the six sestieri of Venice, in northern Italy. Dorsoduro includes the highest land areas of the city and also Giudecca island and Isola Sacca Fisola. Its name derives from the Italian for "hard ridge", due to its comparatively high, stable land.

Scalzi, Venice

ヴェネツィア / イタリア

Santa Maria di Nazareth is a Roman Catholic Carmelite church in Venice, northern Italy. It is also called Church of the Scalzi being the seat in the city of the Discalced Carmelites religious order . Located in the sestiere of Cannaregio, near Venezia Santa Lucia railway station, it was built in the mid 17th century to the designs of Baldassarre Longhena and completed in the last decades of that century.

Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice

ヴェネツィア / イタリア

The Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice is a research centre owned and funded by the Greek state in Venice, Italy, focusing on Byzantine and Post-Byzantine/Modern Greek studies. It is the only Greek research institute abroad. The institute was founded in 1951, and operates under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with its educational activity coordinated by the Greek Ministry of Education. The Institute owns several buildings associated with the formerly vibrant Greek community of Venice, most notably the church of San Giorgio dei Greci and the Flanginian School. It also operates its own museum and archive, which house a collection of 300 icons and numerous manuscripts, most notably a copy of the Romance of Alexander the Great.