
ヴェローナ / イタリア

ヴェローナ(伊: Verona )は、イタリア共和国ヴェネト州西部にある都市で、その周辺地域を含む人口約26万人の基礎自治体(コムーネ)。ヴェローナ県の県都である。 街の中心部には古代ローマ時代の円形競技場跡があり、街の象徴となっているほか、中世の町並みがよく残っており、2000年には「ヴェローナ市街」としてユネスコの世界遺産(文化遺産)に登録された。シェイクスピアの戯曲『ヴェローナの二紳士』『ロミオとジュリエット』の舞台としても知られる。

Castelvecchio Museum

ヴェローナ / イタリア

Castelvecchio Museum is a museum in Verona, northern Italy, located in the eponymous medieval castle. Restoration by the architect Carlo Scarpa between 1959 and 1973 has enhanced the appearance of the building and exhibits. Scarpa's architectural style is visible in the details for doorways, staircases, furnishings, and even fixtures designed to hold a specific piece of artwork. The renovation carefully balanced new and old, revealing the history of the original building where appropriate. Unusual at the time, this approach has now become a common approach to renovation.

Basilica of San Zeno, Verona

ヴェローナ / イタリア

The Basilica di San Zeno is a minor basilica of Verona, Northern Italy constructed between 967-1398 AD. Its fame rests partly on its Romanesque architecture and partly upon the tradition that its crypt was the place of the marriage of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It stands adjacent to a Benedictine abbey, both dedicated to St Zeno of Verona.

Santa Maria in Organo, Verona

ヴェローナ / イタリア

Santa Maria in Organo is a Roman Catholic church in Verona, Northern Italy.

Verona Cathedral

ヴェローナ / イタリア

Verona Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Verona, northern Italy, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary under the designation Santa Maria Matricolare. It is the episcopal seat of the Diocese of Verona. It was erected after two Palaeo-Christian churches on the same site had been destroyed by an earthquake in 1117. Built in Romanesque style, the cathedral was consecrated on September 13, 1187. The structure was later modified by several renovation interventions, although the plan has remained unchanged.

San Giorgio in Braida, Verona

ヴェローナ / イタリア

San Giorgio in Braida is a Roman Catholic church in Verona, region of Veneto, Italy. A church titled San Giacomo in Braida, was located in Cremona, and became superseded by Sant'Agostino.

San Fermo Maggiore, Verona

ヴェローナ / イタリア

San Fermo Maggiore is a church built in Romanesque style in central Verona.