

カザフスタン共和国 Қазақстан Республикасы(カザフ語)Республика Казахстан(ロシア語) 国の標語:なし 国歌:Менің Қазақстаным(カザフ語)我がカザフスタン カザフスタン共和国(カザフスタンきょうわこく、カザフ語: Қазақстан Республикасы)、通称カザフスタンは、中央アジアに位置する共和制国家。首都はヌルスルタン(アスタナ)、最大の都市はアルマトイ。 北をロシア連邦、東に中華人民共和国、南にキルギス、ウズベキスタン、西南をトルクメニスタンとそれぞれ国境を接する内陸国。カスピ海、アラル海に面している。

A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts


The A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts is the largest art museum in Kazakhstan, located in Almaty.The museum opened on 16 September 1976, based on the collections of the Shevchenko Kazakh State Gallery and the Republic Museum of Decorative and Applied Art . In 1984, the museum was renamed to honour the Kazakh artist Abilkhan Kasteev . The museum has a collection of over 23,000 works, including historic and contemporary Kazakhstan art, works from the Soviet era , Russian artworks , Western European art , and art from East Asia .The Kasteyev museum is especially noted for its collection of late works of distinguished sculptor Isaac Itkind and Kazakh painting and sculpture, likely to be the largest in the world, including works by N. Nurmukhammedov, M. Kim, K. Yeserkeyev, K. Mullashev, T. Abuov and Y. Tolepbai.