

セルビア共和国 Република СрбијаRepublika Srbija 国の標語:不明 国歌:Боже правде / Bože pravde(セルビア語)正義の神 経済統計はコソボを除く。セルビア共和国(セルビアきょうわこく)、通称セルビアは、南東ヨーロッパ、バルカン半島中西部の内陸に位置する共和制国家。かつてのユーゴスラビアに属した地域の中央に位置しており、政治的にもその中心となる国であった。 首都であるベオグラードは、ユーゴスラビア誕生以来2006年にセルビア・モンテネグロが解体されるまで一貫して連邦の首都であった。2006年6月3日のモンテネグロの分離独立に伴い独立宣言をした。セルビア内のコソボ・メトヒヤ自治州がコソボ共和国として事実上独立状態にある。

National Museum of Serbia

スタリ・グラード (ベオグラード)

The National Museum in Belgrade is the largest and oldest museum in Belgrade, Serbia. It is located in the central zone of Belgrade on a square plot between the Republic Square, formerly Theatre Square, and three streets: Čika Ljubina, Vasina and Laze Pačua. Its main facade is on the Republic Square and the official address ia 1a Republic Square.The museum was established on 10 May 1844. It moved into the present building in 1950, with the grand opening of the venue on 23 May 1952. Since its founding, the museum's collection has grown to over 400,000 objects, including many foreign masterpieces.The National Museum in Belgrade building was declared a Monument of Culture of Great Importance in 1979.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade

Central Serbia

Museum of Contemporary Art is an art museum located in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. It was founded in 1958 as the Modern Gallery. It was moved into the current building in the Ušće neighborhood of New Belgrade in 1965. The building is a masterpiece of architects Ivan Antić and Ivanka Raspopović, a short-lived but highly successful partnership, which also produced the 21 October Museum in Šumarice Memorial Park in Kragujevac. The collection contains more than 35,000 works of art. The museum collects and displays art works produced since 1900 in Serbia and Yugoslavia. It also organizes international exhibitions of modern and contemporary art. The museum was closed for renovation between 2007 and 2017. After several deadlines were pushed back, the museum was finally reopened for visitors on 20 October 2017.

Народни музеј (Београд)

スタリ・グラード (ベオグラード)

The National Museum in Belgrade is the largest and oldest museum in Belgrade, Serbia. It is located in the central zone of Belgrade on a square plot between the Republic Square, formerly Theatre Square, and three streets: Čika Ljubina, Vasina and Laze Pačua. Its main facade is on the Republic Square and the official address ia 1a Republic Square.The museum was established on 10 May 1844. It moved into the present building in 1950, with the grand opening of the venue on 23 May 1952. Since its founding, the museum's collection has grown to over 400,000 objects, including many foreign masterpieces.The National Museum in Belgrade building was declared a Monument of Culture of Great Importance in 1979.