

スペイン王国 Reino de España 国の標語:Plus Ultra(ラテン語:更なる前進) 国歌:Marcha Real(スペイン語)国王行進曲 スペイン王国(スペインおうこく、(西: Reino de España)、スペイン国(スペインこく、(西: Estado español)またはスペインは、南ヨーロッパのイベリア半島に位置し、同半島の大部分を占める議会君主制国家。首都はマドリード。 西にポルトガル、南にイギリス領ジブラルタル、北東にフランス、アンドラと国境を接し、アフリカ大陸にある飛地のセウタ、メリリャではモロッコと陸上国境を接する。本土以外に、西地中海のバレアレス諸島や、大西洋のカナリア諸島、北アフリカのセウタとメリリャ、アルボラン海のアルボラン島を持っている。

Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes de Santa Cruz de Tenerife


Santa Cruz de Tenerife, commonly abbreviated as Santa Cruz , is a major city, capital of the island of Tenerife, Province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and capital of the Canary Islands. Santa Cruz has a population of 206,593 within its administrative limits. The urban zone of Santa Cruz extends beyond the city limits with a population of 507,306 and 538,000 within urban area. It is the second largest city in the Canary Islands and the main city on the island of Tenerife, with nearly half of the island's population living in or around it. Santa Cruz is located in the northeast quadrant of Tenerife, 210 kilometres off the northwestern coast of Africa within the Atlantic Ocean. The distance to the nearest point of mainland Spain is 1,300 kilometres . Between the 1833 territorial division of Spain and 1927, Santa Cruz de Tenerife was the sole capital of the Canary Islands, until 1927 when a decree ordered that the capital of the Canary Islands be shared, as it remains at present. The port is of great importance and is the communications hub between Europe, Africa and Americas, with cruise ships arriving from many nations. The city is the focus for domestic and inter-island communications in the Canary Islands.The city is home to the Parliament of the Canary Islands, the Audience of Accounts of the Canary Islands, the Captaincy General of the Canary Islands, the Canarian Ministry of the Presidency , one half of the Ministries and Boards of the Canarian Government, , the Tenerife Provincial Courts and two courts of the Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands. There are several faculties of the La Laguna University in Santa Cruz, including the Fine Arts School and the Naval Sciences Faculty. Its harbour is one of Spain's busiest. It is important for commercial and passenger traffic as well as for being a major stopover for cruisers en route from Europe to the Caribbean. The city also has one of the world's largest carnivals. The Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife now aspires to become a World Heritage Site, and is the second largest in the world.The main landmarks of the city include the Auditorio de Tenerife , the Torres de Santa Cruz , the Plaza de España and the Iglesia de la Concepción . Santa Cruz de Tenerife hosts the first headquarters of the Center UNESCO in the Canary Islands. In recent years the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife has seen the construction of a significant number of modern structures and the city's skyline is the sixth in height across the country, behind Madrid, Benidorm, Barcelona, Valencia and Bilbao.In 2012, the British newspaper The Guardian included Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the list of the five best places in the world to live, next to the Cihangir district, in Istanbul; the district of Sankt Pauli, in Hamburg, the north coast of Maui, in Hawaii and Portland, in the state of Oregon . The 82% of the municipal territory of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is considered a natural area, this is due in large part to the presence of the Anaga Rural Park. This fact makes Santa Cruz the third largest municipality in Spain with the highest percentage of natural territory, after Cuenca and Cáceres . City has a status of global city .

Ávila Cathedral


The Cathedral of the Saviour is a Catholic church in Ávila in the south of Old Castile, Spain. It was built in the late Romanesque and Gothic architectural traditions. It was planned as a cathedral-fortress, its apse being one of the turrets of the city walls. It is surrounded by a number of houses or palaces, the most important being: the Palace of the Evening, the Palace of the Infant King, and the Palace of Valderrábanos, which were responsible for the defence of the Puerta de los Leales also known as La Puerta del Peso de la Harina .



サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ大聖堂 は、スペイン・ガリシア州ア・コルーニャ県サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラにある大聖堂。「ヨーロッパ三大聖地」の一つで、サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラの巡礼路の終着点に位置する。

Paredes de Nava

Paredes de Nava

Paredes de Nava is a municipality located in the province of Palencia, Castile and León, Spain. It is the birthplace of Renaissance painter Pedro Berruguete. Some paintings by him can be seen in the predella of the local church of Santa Eulalia. Other sights include the church of St. Martin .

Valladolid Cathedral


The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Holy Assumption , better known as Valladolid Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic church in Valladolid, Spain. The main layout was designed by Juan de Herrera in a Renaissance-style. The original design for this cathedral would have created a church which would have been the largest cathedral in Europe. Initially planned as the Cathedral for the capital city of Spain, ultimately only 40-45% of the intended project was completed, due to lack of resources after the court moved towards Madrid, and the expenses caused by the difficult foundations of the temple, located in an area with a large gap in the field.



サンタ・クレウ・イ・サンタ・エウラリア大聖堂 (La Catedral de la Santa Creu i Santa Eulàlia)は、スペイン・カタルーニャ州バルセロナ県バルセロナにあるカトリック教会の教会建築。バルセロナ市民からは単にラ・セウ(La Seu)と呼ばれる。バルセロナ大司教座が置かれている。



バレンシア大聖堂(スペイン語: Catedral de Valencia)は、スペイン・バレンシア州バレンシア県バレンシアにあるローマ・カトリックの大聖堂(教区教会)。正式名称はメトロポリタン大聖堂 - バレンシア・聖母の被昇天教会(スペイン語: Iglesia Catedral-Basílica Metropolitana de la Asunción de Nuestra Señora de Valencia)。



スペイン下院(スペイン語: Congreso de los Diputados)は、スペインの立法府である国会の下院にあたる議会である。代議院(だいぎいん)ともいう。