

スイス連邦 Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft(ドイツ語)Confédération Suisse(フランス語)Confederazione Svizzera(イタリア語)Confederaziun Svizra(ロマンシュ語)Confoederatio Helvetica(ラテン語) 国の標語:Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno(ラテン語:一人はすべてのために、そして、すべては一人のために) 国歌:Schweizerpsalm(ドイツ語)Cantique Suisse(フランス語)Salmo Svizzero(イタリア語)Psalm Svizzer(ロマンシュ語)スイスの賛歌 スイス連邦(スイスれんぽう、独: Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft、仏: Confédération Suisse、伊: Confederazione Svizzera)、通称スイスは中央ヨーロッパに位置する連邦共和制国家。永世中立国であるが、欧州自由貿易連合に加盟しているほかバチカン市国の衛兵はスイス傭兵が務めている。歴史によって、西欧に分類されることもある。 ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、オーストリア、リヒテンシュタインに囲まれた内陸に位置し、国内には多くの国際機関の本部が置かれている。首都はベルンで、主要都市にチューリッヒ、ジュネーヴ、バーゼル、ローザンヌなど。

Polish Museum, Rapperswil


The Polish Museum, Rapperswil, was founded in Rapperswil, Switzerland, on 23 October 1870, by Polish Count Władysław Broel-Plater, at the urging of Agaton Giller, as "a refuge for [Poland's] historic memorabilia dishonored and plundered in the [occupied Polish] homeland" and for the promotion of Polish interests.Except for two hiatuses , the Museum has existed to the present day—an outpost of Polish culture in Switzerland, a country which, over the past two centuries, has given refuge to generations of Poles.

Musée Ariana


The Musée Ariana, also known as the Musée suisse de la céramique et du verre , is a museum in Geneva, Switzerland. It is devoted to ceramic and glass artwork, and contains around 20,000 objects from the last 1,200 years, representing the historic, geographic, artistic and technological breadth of glass and ceramic manufacture during this time. The collection is the only one of its kind in Switzerland.Built between 1877 and 1884, the museum is shaped by Neo-Classical and Neo-Baroque elements and is situated on Avenue de la Paix, near the Palace of Nations. It was built to house the private collection of the Swiss art collector and patron Gustave Revilliod, who named it after his mother, Ariane de la Rive, and later bequeathed it to the city of Geneva. Since 1934 the museum has been a member of Geneva's association of art and history museums, Les Musées d'art et d'histoire Geneve, led by the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire. Subsequently, parts of the collection have been dispatched to other museums while the Musée Ariana has acquired new exhibits in exchange, in order to focus the collection on glass and ceramics.In 1993 the museum was reopened after 12 years of building work.