

グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 国の標語:Dieu et mon droit(フランス語:神と我が権利) 国歌:God Save the Queen(英語)神よ女王を護り賜え グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国(グレートブリテンおよびきたアイルランドれんごうおうこく、英: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: UK)は、ヨーロッパ大陸の北西岸に位置し、グレートブリテン島・アイルランド島北東部・その他多くの島々から成る立憲君主制国家。首都はロンドン。日本語における通称の一例としてイギリス、英国(えいこく)がある(→#国名)。 イングランド、ウェールズ、スコットランド、北アイルランドという歴史的経緯に基づく4つの「カントリー(国)」が、同君連合型の単一の主権国家を形成している。しかし、政治制度上は単一国家の代表的なモデルであり、連邦国家ではない。 国際連合安全保障理事会常任理事国の一国(五大国)であり、G7・G20に参加する。GDPは世界10位以内に位置する巨大な市場を持ち、ヨーロッパにおける四つの大国「ビッグ4」の一国である。ウィーン体制が成立した1815年以来、世界で最も影響力のある国家を指す列強の一つに数えられる。また、民主主義、立憲君主制など近代国家の基本的な諸制度が発祥した国でもある。 イギリスの擬人化としてはジョン・ブル、ブリタニアが知られる。

Museum of Gloucester


The Museum of Gloucester in Brunswick Road is the main museum in the City of Gloucester. It has recently been extensively renovated following a large National Heritage Lottery Fund grant and it reopened on Gloucester Day, 3 September 2011.In March 2016, The Museum rebranded itself and used to be called Gloucester City Museum & Art Gallery.The Gloucester Life is a smaller museum in Westgate Street, dealing with the social history of Gloucestershire.

Museum of Freemasonry


Museum of Freemasonry , based at Freemasons’ Hall, London, is a fully accredited museum since 2014, with a designated outstanding collection of national importance since 2007 and registered charitable trust since 1996. The facility encompasses a museum, library, and archive. The collections are composed of masonic ceremonial objects, jewellery, regalia, ceramics, glassware, silverware, clocks, furniture, books, prints and manuscripts relating to English freemasonry and its interactions with overseas lodges and orders. It also retains artefacts relating to other associated fraternal orders and friendly societies such as the Oddfellows, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Sons of the Phoenix and Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. The Museum is open to the public Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm. Admission is free.

Worthing Museum and Art Gallery


Worthing Museum and Art Gallery is in the centre of Worthing near the grade II* listed St Paul's. The building, which celebrated its centenary in 2008, was originally designed to house the town's library as well as the museum, the library section being funded by Andrew Carnegie. It is the largest museum in West Sussex.

Royal Free Hospital


The Royal Free Hospital is a major teaching hospital in the Hampstead area of the London Borough of Camden. The hospital is part of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, which also runs services at Barnet Hospital, Chase Farm Hospital and a number of other sites. The trust is a founder member of the UCLPartners academic health science centre.

Chesterfield Museum and Art Gallery

チェスターフィールド (イングランド)

Chesterfield Museum and Art Gallery is a local museum and art gallery in the town of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England.The hall was named in honour of the British railway pioneer George Stephenson and the museum has a small collection of objects relating to Stephenson and his family. The museum is across the road from the Church of St Mary and All Saints, the parish church more popularly known as the Crooked Spire. The museum, established in 1994, presents the history of Chesterfield from its origins as a Roman fort to the present. It is located on St Mary's Gate in the Stephenson Memorial Hall, dating from 1879 and originally built as a mechanics institute. Later this part of the building was used for the town's public library. Chesterfield Museum is owned and operated by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Lotherton Hall


Lotherton Hall is a country house near Aberford, West Yorkshire, England. It lies a short distance from the A1 motorway, 200 miles equidistant between London and Edinburgh. It is one of nine sites in the Leeds Museums & Galleries group. There has been a manor house on the site of the current Hall from at least 1775, where it appears on Thomas Jeffery's map of Yorkshire. The house at this time was owned by Thomas Maude, who had brought it from George Rhodes in 1753 for £4,115. Ownership then passed to Wollen and then to John Raper. In 1824 John Raper died and his son and heir, John Lamplugh Raper, sold the property to Richard Oliver Gascoigne in 1825. Following Richard Oliver Gascoigne's death in 1842, Lotherton was inherited by his then unmarried daughters, Elizabeth and Mary Isabella. Richard Trench Gascoigne took up ownership of the house following the death of his aunt Elizabeth, wife of Lord Ashtown, in 1893. It became the main residence of the Gascoigne family after the death of Richard's father Frederick at Parlington Hall in 1905. Between 1914 and 1918, the Hall was used as a V.A.D. hospital. There is a twelfth century Norman chapel in the grounds which was in use until 1830 and renovated between 1913 and 1917 and was also used as part of the V.A.D. hospital.The Hall is sited on part of the Gascoigne estate, and was presented to the City of Leeds in 1968 by Sir Alvary Gascoigne and his wife, last of the Gascoigne family, whose roots were at Parlington Hall. The Hall and parkland were opened for public access by its new owners on 6 August 1969, exactly 25 years after Sir Alvary Gascoigne's only son and heir, Douglas Gascoigne, was killed in a tank battle in Normandy. The estate is home to an extensive collection of endangered bird species and a herd of red deer. There is a large expanse of grassland in front of the bird garden, typically used during the summer months for ball games and picnics. A further field is often used to host shows, such as an annual motorcycle show. The Hall, which was extensively rebuilt during the Victorian and Edwardian eras, holds an impressive art collection. This includes the Gascoigne Gift, given to the City of Leeds along with the Hall, which sits alongside Designated collections of fine art and decorative arts added to Hall since becoming a museum in 1968.The Hall is licensed to hold wedding and civil partnership ceremonies



マンチェスター・メトロポリタン大学 (英語:Manchester Metropolitan University)は、イギリス、マンチェスターにある国立大学。イギリスの中でも学生数でいうと5番目に規模が大きい大学である。



タビストック・クリニック(英: Tavistock Clinic)はロンドン北部のハムステッドに位置する力動的治療を専門とする医療施設であり、現在は国民保健サービス(NHS)のひとつ、タビストック・ポートマンNHSトラストの配下にある。 教育や研修にも力を入れており、医師、サイコロジスト、研修生合わせておよそ1000名近くが在籍している。タビストック人間関係研究所など複数の研究機関を併設している。1920年にクリクトン・ミラーによって設立された。

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh is a medical royal college in Scotland. It is one of three organisations that sets the specialty training standards for physicians in the United Kingdom. It was established by Royal charter in 1681. The college claims to have 12,000 fellows and members worldwide.