
アイルズベリー / イギリス

エイルズベリー(Aylesbury [ˈeɪlzbri])は、バッキンガムシャーにあるカウンティ・タウン 。オックスフォードの東に位置し、ロンドンの北西に位置する。日本語表記としてはアリスバーリー、エイルズベリなども用いられるが、エイルズブリが原音に近い。アイルズベリー都市圏の一部。

Buckinghamshire County Museum

アイルズベリー / イギリス

The Buckinghamshire County Museum is a museum in the centre of Aylesbury, in Buckinghamshire, England. It displays artefacts pertinent to the history of Buckinghamshire including geological displays, costume, agriculture and industry. The museum also features changing art exhibits in the Buckinghamshire Art Gallery. The museum is housed in three old buildings that have been joined together: a chapel in St Mary's Square, the old Aylesbury Grammar School and Ceely House. To the rear of the building, in what used to be Ceely House's coach house, is the Roald Dahl Children's Gallery. The current director of the museum is Sue Shave.

County Hall, Aylesbury

アイルズベリー / イギリス

County Hall is a high-rise tower block in Aylesbury, in the county of Buckinghamshire in England. It was built to house the former Buckinghamshire County Council, and it remains the main office and the meeting place of Buckinghamshire Council. The block was designed by county architect Fred Pooley and completed in 1966.