
ケンブリッジ / イギリス

ケンブリッジ(Cambridge 発音例)は、イギリスのイングランド東部にあるケンブリッジシャーの州都である。ケンブリッジ大学の所在地であることから、大学都市として有名。現在では、シリコン・フェン(Silicon Fen)と呼ばれるイギリスにおけるハイテク産業の中心地の一つとなっている。人口は12万3867人(2011年国勢調査)で、このうち2万4488人が学生である。英語での発音は/'keɪm.bɹɪd͡ʒ/(ケインブリヂ)で、漢字では剣橋と表記される。

Ridley Hall, Cambridge

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

Ridley Hall is a theological college located in Sidgwick Avenue in Cambridge in the United Kingdom, which trains men and women intending to take Holy Orders, as deacon or priest of the Church of England, and members of the laity working with children and young people, as lay pioneers and within a pastoral capacity such as lay chaplaincy.

Isaac Newton Institute

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences is an international research institute for mathematics and its many applications at the University of Cambridge. It is named after one of the university's most illustrious figures, the mathematician and natural philosopher Sir Isaac Newton and occupies buildings adjacent to the Cambridge Centre for Mathematical Sciences.


ケンブリッジ / イギリス

キャヴェンディッシュ研究所(キャヴェンディッシュけんきゅうじょ、Cavendish Laboratory)は、ケンブリッジ大学に所属するイギリスの物理学研究所および教育機関。核物理学のメッカとも呼ばれる。 1871年に物理学者ヘンリー・キャヴェンディッシュを記念して作られた。 初代所長はマクスウェル。その後、レイリー卿、J.J.トムソン、ラザフォード、W. L. ブラッグらが所長をつとめた。 2012年までに29人のノーベル賞受賞者を輩出している。 キャヴェンディシュ研究所は分子生物学の進歩にも貢献している。キャヴェンディッシュ研究所でたんぱく質の構造を研究していたクリックは1953年にDNAの二重螺旋構造をつきとめ、ワトソンらとともにノーベル生理学・医学賞を受賞した。

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

The Department of Earth Sciences at Cambridge is the University of Cambridge's Earth Sciences department. First formed around 1731, the department incorporates the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences.

Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

The Cambridge Faculty of Divinity is the divinity school of the University of Cambridge. It houses the Faculty Library.


ケンブリッジ / イギリス

フィッツウィリアム・カレッジ は、イングランドにあるケンブリッジ大学を構成するカレッジの一つ。経済学、生化学、生理学、医学などのノーベル賞受賞者の著名な研究者や、イギリスを含む様々な国の政治家、裁判官、弁護士、実業家を多数輩出しているカレッジとして知られる。現在のフィッツウィリアム・カレッジは、イギリスの自然科学者であったチャールズ・ダーウィンの妻のエマ・ダーウィンが晩年に過ごした別邸ザ・グローブ をシンボルに形成されている。

Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

The Institute of Astronomy is the largest of the three astronomy departments in the University of Cambridge, and one of the largest astronomy sites in the UK. Around 180 academics, postdocs, visitors and assistant staff work at the department.Research at the department is made in a number of scientific areas, including exoplanets, stars, star clusters, cosmology, gravitational-wave astronomy, the high-redshift universe, AGN, galaxies and galaxy clusters. This is a mixture of observational astronomy, over the entire electromagnetic spectrum, computational theoretical astronomy, and analytic theoretical research. The Kavli Institute for Cosmology is also located on the department site. This Institute has an emphasis on The Universe at High Redshifts. The Cavendish Astrophysics Group are based in the Battcock Centre, a building in the same grounds.

Museum of Classical Archaeology, Cambridge

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

The Museum of Classical Archaeology is a museum in Cambridge, run by the Faculty of Classics of the University of Cambridge, England. Since 1983, it has been located in a purpose-built gallery on the first floor of the Faculty of Classics on the Sidgwick Site of the University. The museum is one of the few surviving collections of plaster casts of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture in the world. The collection consists of several hundred casts, including casts of some of the most famous surviving ancient Greek and Roman sculptures. Noteworthy casts include those of the Laocoön and His Sons, the Farnese Hercules, the Barberini Faun and Charioteer of Delphi. The Peplos Kore is perhaps the best known exhibit in the museum. It is a plaster cast of an ancient Greek statue of a young woman painted brightly as the original would have been, which was set up on the Acropolis of Athens, around 530 BCE. In 1975, the museum attempted to replicate the sculpture's original appearance by painting a cast of the figure. The replica was then displayed next to a second, unpainted cast as a challenge to the erroneous equation of ancient Greek sculpture with pure white marble.The museum also holds a large collection of sherds and epigraphic squeezes. The museum is open to the public Tuesday to Friday: 10.00am to 5.00pm and on Saturdays in University term time: 10.00am to 1.00pm. The museum is one of eight which make up the University of Cambridge Museums consortium. Its former home on Little St Mary's Lane was designed by Basil Champneys in 1883. In the 1970s it became evident that it was no longer adequate to house the collection, and it is now part of the buildings of Peterhouse.

Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

ケンブリッジ / イギリス

The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, is the geology museum of the University of Cambridge. It is part of the Department of Earth Sciences and is located on the University's Downing Site in Downing Street, central Cambridge, England. The Sedgwick Museum is the oldest of the eight museums which make up the University of Cambridge Museums consortium.