
コッツウォルズ / イギリス

コッツウォルズ は、イングランド中央部に広がる標高300m以上に達する丘陵地帯であり、時にイングランドの中心と呼ばれる。特別自然美観地域に指定され、クリーブヒルがこの丘陵地帯で最も高く、330mである。 コッツウォルズはグロスターシャーで最も面積が広く、サマセット州、オックスフォードシャー、ウィルトシャー、ウォリックシャー、ウスターシャーの各州にまたがる。コッツウォルズは「羊の丘」という意味。

Lodge Park and Sherborne Estate

コッツウォルズ / イギリス

Lodge Park was built as a grandstand in the Sherborne Estate near the villages of Sherborne, Aldsworth and Northleach in Gloucestershire, England. The site is owned by the National Trust and the former grandstand is recorded in the National Heritage List for England as a designated Grade I listed building. It is England's only surviving 17th-century deer course and grandstand.In the 19th century Lodge Park was modified into a house, then a row of cottages, and then into a house again. It was bequeathed to the National Trust in 1982, and restored to its original form as a grandstand. Lodge Park is open to the public at advertised times, and the footpaths in the Sherborne Estate are available to the public at all times.