For Scotland's national academy, see Royal Society of Edinburgh.
The Royal Scottish Academy is the country’s national academy of art. It promotes contemporary Scottish art.
The Academy was founded in 1826 by eleven artists meeting in Edinburgh. Originally named the Scottish Academy, it became the Royal Scottish Academy on being granted a royal charter in 1838.
The RSA maintains a unique position in the country as an independently funded institution led by eminent artists and architects to promote and support the creation, understanding, and enjoyment of visual arts through exhibitions and related educational events.
The National Trust for Scotland for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, commonly known as the National Trust for Scotland is a Scottish conservation organisation. It is the largest membership organisation in Scotland and describes itself as "the conservation charity that protects and promotes Scotland's natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations to enjoy".The Trust owns and manages around 130 properties and 180,000 acres of land, including castles, ancient small dwellings, historic sites, gardens, and remote rural areas. It is similar in function to the National Trust, which covers England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, and to other national trusts worldwide.
ロイヤル・コレクション(英: The Royal Collection )またはイギリス王室コレクションはイギリス王室が所有する美術品コレクション。イギリス王室の私的財産で、王室の一部局である英国王立所蔵品協会の管理となっている。英国王立所蔵品協会(The Royal Collection Department)はロイヤル・コレクションの分類、保存、洗浄、修復や、書物、絵画、彫刻などの展示に対して責任があるが、建築物については管轄外となっている。399人のスタッフがおり、2009年度には2,642万ポンド以上の収益があった。
ロイヤル・コレクションには7,000点以上の絵画、40,000点以上の水彩画、ドローイング、150,000点以上の版画のほか、歴史的な価値がある写真、タペストリー、調度品、陶磁器、書物など、様々な美術品の一大コレクションとなっている。一般大衆に公開され、王族は住んでいないハンプトン・コート宮殿や、王族の邸宅ではあるが一般公開されているウィンザー城など、複数の場所に分散して収蔵されている。ロンドンのバッキンガム宮殿にあるクイーンズ・ギャラリー(en:Queen's Gallery)や、エディンバラのホリールード宮殿にあるエディンバラ・クイーンズ・ギャラリー(en:Queen's Gallery, Edinburgh)にも、ロイヤル・コレクションの美術品が数ヶ月間展示されることがある。ロイヤル・コレクションの金銭的価値は総額3,600億ポンドといわれている。
Edinburgh College of Art is one of eleven Schools in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Edinburgh. Tracing its history back to 1760, it provides higher education in art and design, architecture, history of art, and music disciplines for over two thousand students, and is at the forefront of research and research-led teaching in the creative arts, humanities, and creative technologies. ECA comprises five subject areas: School of Art, Reid School of Music, School of Design, School of History of Art, and Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture . ECA is mainly located in the Old Town of Edinburgh, overlooking the Grassmarket; the Lauriston Place campus is located in the University of Edinburgh's Central Area Campus, not far from George Square.
The college was founded in 1760, and gained its present name and site in 1907. Formerly associated with Heriot-Watt University, its degrees have been issued by the University of Edinburgh since 2004. The College formally merged with the University on 1 August 2011, combining with the School of Arts, Culture and Environment and continues to exist with the name Edinburgh College of Art as an enlarged school in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
NHS Lothian is one of the fourteen regions of NHS Scotland. It provides healthcare services in the City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Mid Lothian and West Lothian areas. Its headquarters are at Waverley Gate, Edinburgh
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is a professional organisation of surgeons. The College has seven active faculties, covering a broad spectrum of surgical, dental and other medical practice. It has a main campus that is located on Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, within the Surgeons' Hall, designed by William Henry Playfair, and adjoining buildings. The main campus includes a skills laboratory, a Museums, a medical and surgical library, and a hotel. A second office was opened in Birmingham in 2014 and an international office opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2018.
It is one of the oldest surgical corporations in the world and traces its origins to 1505 when the Barber Surgeons of Edinburgh were formally incorporated as a craft guild of Edinburgh. The Barber-Surgeons of Dublin was the first medical corporation in Ireland or Britain, having been incorporated in 1446 .
It represents members and fellows across the UK and the world. The majority of its UK members are based in England with others across Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
スコットランド国立肖像画美術館は、スコットランドのエディンバラ、クイーン通りに面した美術館である。所蔵する肖像画のコレクションは、すべてスコットランド人を描いたものだが、必ずしもスコットランド人の手によるものとは限らない。また、絵画だけではなく写真コレクション(Scottish National Photography Collection)も所蔵している。
The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh is a medical royal college in Scotland. It is one of three organisations that sets the specialty training standards for physicians in the United Kingdom. It was established by Royal charter in 1681. The college claims to have 12,000 fellows and members worldwide.